"You have caused enough damage, my brother's life is at risk because of you! What more are you here for? To see if he is dead or not!" Yoongi should
Ye pushing Jungkook way.

"I-I will never hurt him like that! I didn't even know-"

"Save it!! You are your mother and have always been after my brother!! Your rucking ruined his life from the beginning when he only cares about you. He loves you yet you have never given anything but pain!! And now this!! How much more do Taehyung have to suffer before you people leave him alone!" Yoongi coldly says and Jungkook eyes watered.

He was gonna say that it wasn't his fault this time, no matter how much of a shitty person he was he could never hurt Taehyung like this. Would never put his life in danger but all his words would be unheard because whatever Yoongi said was true. Taehyung life was always in danger because of him. Taehyung always had to suffer because of him.

The door to the operation room opened and Taehyung who was lying in the wheel bed was pushed out by the nurses. Jungkook didn't even care for a second as he rush to Taehyung's side. His heart stabs as he looks at Taehyung's condition. His body was covered in bandages, and his soft yet gentle skin was covered in bruises. "I-I am sorry" Jungkook whispered.

"Taehyung" Jungkook extended his hands forward to touch Taehyung but Yoongi's stronghold against his hand stops him.

"Don't touch him with your bloody hands. You have done enough-"

"We were happy, he is my love, my husband. I never imagined putting his life in danger like this. Our life was different, I change to be better for him yet our life only seem to go down miserably" at this point Jungkook was talking to himself, his mind set on blaming himself for Taehyung condition.

"You can never change Jungkook! No matter how good you try to become you will always be a monster who only knows how to hurt someone! You can only hurt Taehyung! Over and over!" Yoongi shouts pushing Jungkook away from taehyung who lies unconscious in the warmth of the hospital bed.

"I-I didn't hurt him...please let me be by him..he needs me" Jungkook tears seeing Taehyung on the stage of losing his life.

"No, it is only you who ever hurt him! It is the people around you who keep on hurting him! Everything bad ever happened to him was you Jungkook! Why don't you fucking understand!" The other male glares at Jungkook with disgust and tells the nurse to take Taehyung away.

"He needs me-"

"What Taehyung needs is a safe place! He is in a place where he doesn't have to be scared to live! That place can never be you Jungkook! And if you don't believe me then look at this" Hoseok comes forward and pulls out a torn piece of paper.

Jungkook instead recognized the design of the paper because it belongs to the taehyung diary which Jungkook gifted taehyung himself. Jungkook's hands reach for the piece of paper and take a look at it. There wasn't much written or at least not anymore because it was there but what was written on it had Jungkook's heart dropped.

I am scared. Jungkook again scares me...

It was written on half-torn paper but it was enough to have Jungkook world crash down to his feet. His shaky hands let go of the paper and his eyes stuck to the cold floor. Jungkook wants to cry....he wants to scream it wasn't as if his heart was broken the first time but he is sure this one hurt a lot.

You were scared of me all this time......and I thought we were finally happy.

Jungkook felt like a fool......because the life he was living with the person he loved was nothing but lies. Jungkook who had worked every single day to be a better husband and a good father for taehyung suddenly felt that he would never succeed at it. Taehyung had managed to paint a false image that he was happy with Jungkook when in all Taehyung was living in fear.

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