Chapter 147: Sunday Morning... Lela & Michael

Start from the beginning

Des: I know and I'm sorry about not believing you. I know you would never hurt me.

Shana: I love you too much to hurt you.

Des: I know now wipe them tears.

Shana: Not until you tell me you are still gonna marry me.

Des: Of course I'm gonna marry you. I wouldn't dare let somebody else take my wife from me.

Shana: Then put this back on and never take it off. *giving her the ring*

Des: *putting the ring on* I would never do that again. *kissing Shana*

Ari/Kyra: *pushing Des* No my Tía. Mooove.

Shana: *picking up them* Hey babies don't be mean. I love Tía Des too.

A/K: *looking down pouting* Otay.

Shana: Don't look sad babies Tía love you too. *kissing them*

A/K: I yuv you too.

Des: *talking to Cyn* What the hell was that?

Cyn: The girls don't want nobody touching Shana or Erica. I can't even kiss my own wife because of them two or sit on her lap.

Des: *laughing* Are you serious?

Cyn: Yep.

Des: That's sad.

Cyn: I know. Well let us get going so we can have them situated.

*They left and went home.*

*Sunday Morning*


Today we are getting up to go to church. I want to do this cause we need the Lord in our life. Erica really don't wanna go but she's doing it for me. The particular church we are going to I really don't wanna go to but my mom really wants me there cause she's on the board. The reason I don't wanna go is because my Aunt Jackie is there and I hate her with a passion. I know God doesn't want hate in your heart but he hasn't healed me that far along yet so the hate remains. I walked down to King and MJ's room and to my surprise they were already dress right along with the twins. I got the quads ready and told all the kids to go downstairs we will be down soon. I got Erica up last cause getting her up is like pulling teeth without an anesthetic.

Cyn: Babe get up.

Erica: *groaning* No I'm tired.

Cyn: You will feel better once you get up.

Erica: *letting out a frustrated groan* Fine Cynthia I'm up. Didn't they say on the seventh day he rested so why won't you let me rest?

Cyn: *laughing* First of all, the seventh day is Saturday. Second, you aren't God.

Erica: Whatever Cynthia don't get technical with me.

Cyn: Get up and get in the shower before I beat you senseless.

Erica: *getting up* This is some bull...

Cyn: I stand before Jesus saying if you curse right now I will stomp you to the devil.

Erica: Sorry baby. I'm getting dress. *walking in the bathroom*

Cyn: *talking to herself* What am I gonna do with her Lord?

*Erica finally got done getting dress. They got in Erica's Lincoln Navigator and went to church. When they got there Sonia and Jennifer was standing outside waiting for them. Now this wasn't a normal church. I was like watching a gospel concert with a full band and everything. People can come as they are and not be judge. Erica and Cyn are new here but Sonia and Jennifer are not. Lela was already seated talking to some man and Erica got pissed.

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