When you read a story read beyond words, imagine how you must have felt if you were in any of these characters' shoes you know bad or good. Imagine you were the person to assault someone you love, and in this case, Jungkook was a drug right? So add everything that he must have felt, then the fact he hurt Ji-Eun too. Everything just gets to him.

5. Why did Mrs. Jeon cry for Jungkook at the jail and regret the way she rises him? It is very hard to understand some people, their mindset, and their action. Now you might say why put so much complication on a character? It's just a story, right? But I like to show all kinds of people that exist through my character. We all know Mrs. Jeon is an evil evil person! She pisses me off too. But sometimes even her evils come to realize the wrongdoing. Pretty ironic coming from her right?

But she is still a person, living in a human body, no matter how evil and shit of a person you are still bounded to feel regret and pain too right? She knows she fucked up a lot of times, but even she didn't realize her son could do such things as assault someone. She did regret it but like they say once evil is always an evil right she goes right back to being a shitty ass.

6. If Jungkook and Ji-Eun didn't love each other how did Kai come to be? As much as I love to answer this question I have to keep it a secret for an upcoming chapter my loves. All I say is that things aren't always what you think it is😉

7. When does the story end? Or how much chapter left? I have no idea how much chapter are left. My story are never planned, I literally be writing whenever that comes to my head. I don't think about how long, the chapters or anything like that. But one things I do know it the ending. I don't know but whenever I go to write a story the first thing I do is think about the ending I be like "oh I wish there was this kind of ending" like literally my whole ass story is base on the ending. Even before writing the first chapter I have could already finish writing the end so my story goes back and forth.


My input

I understand this story is very hard to understand especially with this back and forward between the past and future. Some of the things that are written in the future aren't lining up with the past. But my loves. The future is what happening, past is what has happened. I promise you things will make sense as more chapter comes out. So let's just be a little patient.

Many people have told me they are uncomfortable with my story. And I completely understand that too.
It is not everyone's cup of tea(or coffee) but we live in a world where this kind of uncomfortableness is bound to happen and are happening. My story is just a sad reality. If it makes you uncomfortable I am more than happy for you to skip it, no hard feelings.

Many of you are still unsettled with the thought of jungkook having children with 3 different people, Him being the reason for everyone's pain but getting to live his life happily, seems unfair. But this is based on someone very close to me, someone I see every day, someone I respect, and someone that everyone cares for. If my family were to ever come across this story they might hate me for all this but it is true. I have heard that personal story many times, ever since I was little I have heard, it was the same story but the way everyone said it was different. Some people feel anger, some mocking, some sympathetic, and some straight-up hate. I took inspiration from that person's life to make Jungkook a character.

I don't know how that person was in their younger day, that is why I can't judge them, it doesn't feel good hearing the story but I can't hate that person because  I wasn't the one to go through it. Many people around me are still effective but that person's choice in life. But I know that as someone to respect, I don't agree with their past doing but what they have become today is what I respect and love. This will also answer your question

Why Jungkook has a happy ending? Why Jungkook happily lives with a family in the future when he hurt Tae? Then I say Jungkook isn't technically happy. Yes, he has a family, he isn't alone, and he has support. But when it comes to his feelings, his happiness that different. Because the person that I know even if their past was bad still lives a normal life, they have family, they are surrounded by the ones they love, and they have kids and grandkids who love them. But when it comes to truly being happy it is a question. Because that person is alone. No, physically but emotionally they are. They lost the person they love, and for almost a decade they live their life without a person to love(not family love but a lover). Even now they choose to forget love and just live life for their family.

So jungkook even was giving the good things in futur it hard to tell if he actually happy, and if that what they wanted. Me whenever I see that person I also think are they really happy? I question if what they have now is really what they wanted? Maybe still hate that person for their past but I only observe that person.

This person didn't assault anyone or anything like that(that was my own intake) but they did give a lot of people pain, they took a lot of happiness from someone else too, because of this person there will always be a scar of their family and other. But they also have suffer lot too, they also had their happiness taken, they always had to sacrifice alot too. They had receive so much hate, beating and everything too. And get still had the end they are emotionally lone.

So I don't really have a ending for Jungkook. He is a character where it seems complete, seems happy but at the same time he isn't.

For Ji-eun I feel like she is a character that all of are put together. She even be a little bit of Jungkook and Taehyung too. You asked me why she didn't choose her self respect and honor then to hold onto a man who doesn't even love her? I don't know what to tell you but there are so many people who are like this. This love is a shitty things where it makes you become the worst, one person here I know they love this boy who is nothing but a shithead. In our eyes they are crap, a complete useless but for them they are there world. Even when we show them the reality they can't seem to step out of it. They think they can change that person, bring love out of them. They end up hurting themselves in order to get that love. They say thay care about him but he doesn't deserve the care they give. They should be happy too but they choice fo make other happy.

And for Taehyung.....I have a special words to describe him but that for later one because then it will give alway the story.

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