Chapter 96 - Tension

Start from the beginning

"Those were all lies so he could get out of jail," she said pretty convincingly.

"I did not get him out of jail. He earned his freedom, he proved himself to Michonne and Daryl when I wasn't even there," I stated still patiently. Negan was listening without saying anything. Maggie was trying to get in my head.

"You know what I see every time I look at him?" she asked slowly, still staring at me. "I see him standing above Glenn, holding that wired bat, soaked in Glenn's blood. And he was smiling widely. Gloating so much..." she couldn't continue as her tears started to fall. She looked away, took a deep breath, then looked at me again.

"I know, Maggie," I said calmly. "I know. But he had his reasons. As I already said, you don't know anything about him. You don't know him. You don't know what he has gone through and what he has seen. Michonne and Daryl were there with you. They saw what you saw. They felt what you felt. Michonne and Daryl still despise Negan and they still hate him, but they trust him. They tolerate his presence. He is useful and he wants to help. And now, we have to work together to get that food and supplies," I tried to speak as calmly and as convincingly as I could. I think I was able to plant the thought inside her head, but she didn't say anything. She just shook her head, turned her back on me, wiped her eyes and nose quickly, and walked past Negan to lead the way once again. Finally, my eyes met with Negan's.

"I did not lie to you about anything," started Negan quietly, slowly. "Except when I tried to scare you away so I wouldn't get you into trouble..."

"I know," I interrupted him, then I smiled at him slightly. At least I was hoping what he felt was genuine. Maggie kind of got in my head when she said Negan lied to me all along. But no, I know this wasn't true. Or was it? Of course not. I looked Negan in the eye again. He gently took my hand and squeezed a little. His hand was warm this time and the jolts of his touch sprang right up my arm, warming my heart. Of course, he wouldn't lie to me. How could I doubt him even for a second?

"Are you coming or not?" asked Maggie grumpily. The magic was broken. We followed her, but Negan didn't let go of my hand. It felt so good. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but we didn't have time for that. And Maggie would be even more pissed off. So we kept quiet and followed her.


We were marching right after Maggie for hours. We took one break to drink a little and go to pee, then we continued our journey. We didn't speak at all, but it was still so intense. I didn't know what to expect from Maggie. I was just hoping she leaves us alone because she needs our help. Maggie checked the map to see where we were going. I still didn't like this, but what else could we do? Leave and go back to Alexandria? Leave and never come back? I would terribly miss Carol, Daryl, Henry, Judith, RJ, Jesus, and Eugene. What should I do? I had no idea. So I followed Maggie even though I was scared we won't make it out alive. We took out some walkers without saying anything the entire time. Every time we finished off walkers, right after it Negan stepped next to me and took my hand again, wouldn't let go ever since Maggie said that he was lying to me. Holding his hand I felt somewhat safer because I knew I wasn't alone. Hours passed without any words spoken. We were following Maggie and occasionally took out walkers. In the middle of the night, I was barely able to see anything anymore. The moon was in crescent form, so it didn't provide any light. I quietly cleared my throat.

"Should we use flashlights?" I asked. Maggie stopped suddenly and I bumped into her. "Sorry," I mumbled. She shot a killer glance at me and said:

"Do not even think about using a flashlight, they will find us in an instant," she said.

"But if we trip and fall in the dark they will find us anyway due to the noise we make," I said quietly.

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