Chapter twenty: Cale's adventure team

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Prince!" Cale beamed and raised his hand to greet Alver. He knew it was rude but he panicked.

"What are you doing here, Cale?" Alver asked as he regained his composure.

Cale approached the prince and grabbed him by the hand.

"We'll get going now, uncle! See you later!" Cale smiled and winked at the king. Alver was perplexed and looked back and forth to his father and Cale. The King just gave him an 'okay sign', then before Alver could protest, Youna took that sign to teleport back to where Ron and the others were.

Cale, Alver, and Youna stood before the dragons and the father-son duo. Ron was massaging his temples as soon as he saw Cale with the first Prince in tow.

"Young Master, I thought you'd just go to the Capital to get something. I didn't expect that you would kidnap the prince," Ron sighed. The old butler's headache was increasing due to the whims of his young master. Vicross and the dragons just shook their heads in resignation.

"I didn't kidnap him! I asked proper permission from his father," Cale said as he put his hands on his hips.

"Yes, that's right. Cale didn't kidnap him, I witnessed everything," Youna seconded. Ron just sighed once again. He felt like he was the only rational person in their group right now.

"Oh, right. I haven't told you why we took you," Cale turned to the bewildered Prince. Ron just gave up and facepalmed.

Isn't this basically a kidnapping? Ron was contemplating all his life decisions lately. He always loses his cool when it comes to his unpredictable puppy young master.

I thought he matured but it seems his mischief only grew worse, Ron thought.

"I haven't agreed to this yet, Cale," the Prince replied. The redhead frowned.

"It's not good to keep staying on your desk to work, you know. You need to take a break sometimes," Cale argued.

"You just took me here without any proper explanation where we are going and how long," Alver said. That's when Cale realized his mistake and just made a shocked pikachu face.

"Ahem, I'm giving you the honor of becoming one of the members of Cale's Adventure Team," Cale said after regaining his composure.

"We will find some places from the legends and I have some clues where to find them," Cale grinned.

"I didn't sign up for this," Alver sighed. He had a lot of work to do and he couldn't afford to rest. But seeing how carefree the redhead was, he couldn't help but to think it should be fine.

"Well, going with your whims should be fine," Alver finally yielded. Cale cheered in happiness.

"So to start it off, I am Cale, this is Ron my butler, Vicross, our chef, Youna and Oli, our mage, and Haben, our knight. As you all know this person is the prince, Alver but for the sake of our safety, we will call him Ali," Cale introduced them one by one and they just nodded.

He also told Youna to make the prince's hair red too so they could pretend like the three of them were siblings.

"Alright! Let's go, Cale's Adventure Team!" Cale proudly said as he raised his fist in the air. Youna also raised his fist too since he was excited as well. The others just shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders.

Cale started his journey off to the Paerun Kingdom, he didn't want to waste any time from traveling so they traveled by air—making their carriage fly. Once they arrived at Bago City, they settled their carriage in some inconspicuous location. All of them, except for Cale and Youna, were in disguise. The redhead Young Master was being careful not letting his companions be revealed, most especially his butler, Ron and chef, Vicross. Cale took Alver by the hand so he won't get lost in their excursion.

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