"Hey... So, you gonna let me in?"


He seems to realise it too, the both of us smiling and shaking our heads before I open the door wide enough for him to slip inside.

"Thanks for coming over, if you had something else on then you know you didn't have to rush over here. I don't want you to feel-"

"I want to be here, Josh," he interrupts, "you know how important he is to me. He's come too far for that bitch to pull him back again, if I can do anything to help him on that journey then that's what I'll do."

He's always so fucking selfless, I always said it would be his undoing.

Miles lets his eyes travel around the room, lingering for a moment on different points and a range of emotions flooding his face. He has a lot of memories here.

We both do.

"He's upstairs, he's been trying to sleep as best he can but you know how he gets when he scared." Miles nods, he was here every night after I first took Liam away from his 'mother', he saw first hand how hard it was for that little boy to get any rest. I'm not sure he would've got any at all without him.

Miles chucks his shoes into the corner of the room and walk straight over to the bottom of the staircase, getting up two stairs before freezing and turning back to look at me when he realises that this isn't his fucking house anymore.

I don't know what I should do, it was so natural seeing him here even I didn't realise that what he was doing, inviting himself up into my bedroom, was something he shouldn't be doing so easily. In the end I do the only thing I can; giggle at him.

It seems to ease the tension, he just laughs back, his beautiful voice combining with his slightly red face before continuing to go up the stairs as I follow after him...

Yeah, he really does need to tell me where he gets these jeans.

When he gets to the top of the staircase, he doesn't go any further, waiting patiently for me to open the door to my own bedroom. This can't be easy for him either, not that he's letting it show at all, he just seems to be completely focused on getting to Liam.

My little man was waking up anyway, but when I gently nudge the door open and he sees the light seeping into the room, his tiny hands start to rub against his sleepy eyes. He's so fucking precious.

"Hey little man, how are you feeling?" Liam takes in the room, now realising that we aren't in the car anymore.

"I-I'm.. Oh.. Milo?" Miles pops his head around the side of the door, almost pushing me aside when Liam smiles brighter than I've seen him smile for fucking months and extends both his arms up into the air. Miles races over without a care for anything else and sits himself down on the edge of the bed next to him, enveloping himself in Liam's hold.

He's fucking calmer already...

I don't disturb them, leaning back against the wall on the opposite side and just watching them fit back together like a little jigsaw puzzle. Maintaining this kind of relationship with Liam whilst he was doing such a busy college course, as well as playing ball, it must have been so hard for him.

It speaks so highly of him that he made it work, even with the minimal amount of contact he was given, so many other people wouldn't have bothered under those kinds of circumstances.

I understand why Liam didn't tell me the extent of their relationship for a long time but now I really wish he would have, it's really beautiful to see.

Although, I guess it might have just made things harder for me if I had known. It was already hard to breathe anytime someone mentioned his name until a few months ago.

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