It's fucking terrifying.

Each step she takes is with purpose, the crowd that was once filling the dance floor parting completely to the side-lines as she finds herself nose to nose with the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of crack-whore Barbie.

Chrissy seems confused when Brie doesn't give her the standard look of contempt, instead smiling at her widely and keeping her eyes locked on the rat even when she opens her mouth to talk.

"Josh babe, he's yours now right? No matter what I do, they can't take him away from you?" Her eerily placid tone feels like a weight pressing down on the room. I've never seen this side of Brie; screaming yes, threatening to kill someone with a fucking tyre iron, absolutely. Being a perfectly calm ocean right before a storm... never.

"Yeah Brie, he's mine." Chrissy glances over at me for just a second, before returning her attention to Brie. You think she'd even give a moment to see where Liam is but of course she doesn't give a fuck.

"Good," Oh no... People, she's taking her hoops out... Brie is taking her fucking hoops out. "Because, I've been waiting to do this for a fucking long time."

Brie reaches out like she's about to stroke Chrissy's face, her tone steady as she speaks every word unnervingly quietly.

"You want Destiny, bitch... You got her."

Oh fuck.

Brie snatches her hand out quicker than fucking lightning, taking hold of Chrissy's head in an instant and wrapping her fist firmly in the cunts hair, rag-dolling her from the floor like she weighs nothing before sending her flying straight over the fucking table!

Chrissy smashes through every glass and bottle that was on it before landing on the other side, the centrepieces in fucking shards that cut deep into her skin as she screams from the floor.

Brie doesn't miss a fucking step, slamming her knee down into the whore's spine and ignoring all the glass as she kicks her over onto her back. There's a few screams from some of the people working but Hannah shouts something about handling it and flashes her badge, all whilst not making a single motion to move.

Yep, she's just going to let her beat the shit out of her isn't she.

Chrissy moans and shouts for Steve to help her but he's the last fucking person that's going to come to her aid, all he does is look like he's about ready to fuck Brie's brains out when the woman starts straddling Chrissy's hips, holding her down by her throat and laying her fists down into her fucking face.

Apparently that was some kind of call for war, because all fucking hell breaks loose around me.

Al comes running in out of left field screaming like she's running into battle, brandishing one of the large silver trays that the waiters were using to carry the champagne and forcing Brie back so she can slam it down onto Chrissy's fucking head.

Stop laughing Jayce.

"Attack! Attack!" Charlie screeches like he's a military fucking sergeant in the trenches, Han quickly wrapping both arms around his waist to keep him back as the man swings his limbs around shouting encouragement at Brie. "Kill the bitch! Snatch her fucking weave! Luna, go fucking bite her!"

Steve has to race across the floor to grab hold of Charlie's little serial killer, the toddler waving a miniature Chanel handbag above her head and snapping her jaw like baby fucking shark at the woman getting her head caved in on the floor.

Brie doesn't stop, even when the blood starts to pour from Chrissy's face she just keeps smashing her fists into it and clawing her nails down to cut through the skin, at one point trying to go all fucking Tyson and bite her ear off before Connor manages to get his grip around her and pull her back, probably saving her from a murder charge.

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