chapter twenty six

Depuis le début

"Yeah, whatever."

They kept walking down the hallways, but Meredith stopped briefly and leant her hand against the wall for some support, placing her hand over her mouth and breathing in deeply. Billie stopped next to her and frowned.

"Woman troubles?"

"Men troubles." She sighed. "I think this dating two guys thing is getting to me. The stress of it. Finn, Derek. Derek, Finn. I think I'm getting an ulcer."

"So, the hot doctor and the vet pining for you are making you sick?" Billie arched an eyebrow. "Your life sucks, Mer."

"I just need to make a choice and get it over with."

The brunette looked her up and down, "Yeah, you do."

"Shawn Sullivan, sixty-two. Had minimally-invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove the blockage from his LAD," George introduced.

"I'm all better now, thank you, George," the man on the bed said as he removed his nasal cannula. "So, what do you think? Can I stop being a burden to you good people and head on home?"

"You need to stop interrupting the doctors, Shawnie. You just need to listen to what they say," his wife said from her seat next to him.

"I need to get back to the dealership. They're gonna can me if I'm out too long." He smiled.

"They can't can you, sweetie, you're the best salesman they've got."

"What do you sell?" Billie asked with a kind smile.


"Nice, what's your favorite?"

"I love me a good Subaru Impreza." He nodded his head. "You?"

"I like the BMW E21, but I have a thing for black Ford Mustangs." Billie laughed, and the man chuckled as well.

"I sell those!" Shawn turned to her wife. "This girl knows her stuff."

"My Shawnie could sell anything," she added to the conversation.

"Yeah, I believe he can," Bailey said. "What he can't sell me on is going back to work before he gets his oxygen levels up. So you put that oxygen back on, Mr. Sullivan, before I even think about letting you out of here. You know, and if I do, I want your word: nothing fried, no alcohol and no cigarettes."

"What? You're tough, Miranda."

"I need your word, Mr. Sullivan, or I'm not gonna sign those discharge papers."

The man raised his hand by his side, "I give you my word."

"Alright, then." Bailey laughed. "Mrs. Sullivan, you need to go to the front desk to fill out some paperwork and then you can take your husband home."

The resident plus her intern class all left the Sullivans' room, but as they did, Bailey looked over her shoulder and noticed how sick Meredith looked.

"You alright, Dr. Grey?" she asked.

"Yeah, Dr. Bailey. I just..." she began, sitting down on one of the waiting seats. "...need to make a choice, is all."

Just then, Derek approached them. He placed his hand on Billie's back briefly and then he walked up to Meredith, "Dr. Grey, I am clipping a basilar tip aneurysm, any interest?"

Meredith didn't answer, but with perfect timing and as if the situation couldn't get any worse, Addison walked up to the group, looked at Meredith and Derek awkwardly, and then stood by Bailey.

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