"W-what?" His voice whispers as if he misheard what she said.

On the other side of the phone, Jungkook was also listening to the conversation between the two. He looks away when Taehyung's voice gets small. Something in him felt wrong.

"You know I can't....he won't like it if I am there," Taehyung said, holding back the sadness.

YeonJun looks down. He wished his papa and Appa were like Ji-Eun and his Appa. YeonJun might be young but he understands where his parents stand. He knows how much his appa hates his papa though he never knew why. He just hopes one day his family can truly be completed.

"Please Taehyung, Kai will be upset if you don't come. And don't worry about Jungkook he can suck it up for a day" Ji-Eun looks up at Jungkook with a warning look and jungkook frowning.

Taehyung still had no words for it... Even if she wanted him there he can't have Kai's father be upset the night of his birthday. He can't ruin something so special by attending it. "I am sorry but I can't," he said.

The little kai looks up at his Appa with teary eyes. He also was there listening to the conversation. "If TaeTae doesn't come, I don't want Party!" Kai cries out.

Taehyung, who heard the little boy cry, felt guilty instead. "Appa never lets TaeTae come! I don't like Appa" Kai screams with tears floating out of his eyes. The little boy runs to his room with tears streaming from his round eyes.

Ji-Eun glares at her husband and sets the phone down "you made my son cry so it's up to you to make him smile. For once stop being selfish for yourself. If not others, at least see your son's happiness. He wants Tae, so do I.you better make this right" she also walks away towards her son's room.

Jungkook stares at his wife back in surprise. He knows how much of a problem he has created because of his ego but never was he confronted about it. Especially not by Ji-Eun but now that she does he feels upset. But for his son, he has to let his guard down so he unknowingly picks up the phone. He says nothing because he doesn't know what to say. Heck, no one would know what to say to someone who you haven't talked to in years.

"Taehyung" Jungkook whispers.

As if someone had taken Taehyung's ability to breathe he stood stunned hearing the voice he had almost forgotten. Yeon Jung covers his mouth with his hands because it was the first time he heard his father taking Taehyung's name. YeonJun's eyes were matching Taehyungs right now.

"Y-Yes" Taehyung hates that he shuttered.

Jungkook paused for a moment to man up "you should come. Kai wants you here" he thanked whoever was above that he was able to speak properly.

Taehyung wouldn't believe that Jungkook was talking to him, let alone inviting him to his son's party. He doesn't know what to make out of this. "W-what?" he wanted to hear it again just to make sure he wasn't imaging.

"You are invited to Kai's party along with the kids" and Jungkook hangs up because he can't continue the conversation. Jungkook walks away from the phone as if nothing happened.

What he failed to notice was the figure of a woman and her 11-year-old son peeking from their rooms and listening to Jungkook. "Now can I have chocolate?" the kid asked hidden behind his mother.

"My son is mine" she dances in happiness lifting the boy in her arms. "We can have all the chocolate in the world. You're gonna be an actor just like me baby" she happily took her on towards the kitchen for his reward.

Taehyung was still lost in his thoughts while holding the phone. It feels unreal that Jungkook wanted him to be part of his family. Not knowing what he should feel, his eyes slowly tore while heavy sighs were leaving his chest.

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