Oh fuck I've missed you Miles...

Our lips part in sync, both of us smiling into the much desired touch as the tip of his tongue starts to massage my own. I've craved having the flavour of him on my buds more than I can say, he satisfies my soul so much more than food or water ever could.

He's what I need to survive.

His hands slowly start to seek out my body, slipping up into my waist and over my chest before they end up behind my neck, holding his thumbs against my jaw whilst controlling my movements.

There's so much need, the way he forces me to comply with him... Giving in never feels like succumbing to his will, it never feels like I'm just surrendering. It's more like making an unspoken commitment, understanding his desire for me and willingly entrusting myself to him so he can thrive in my submissive promise to be his.

Because that's exactly what I am: His.

Even when he finally breaks the kiss to allow us both some air, his lips are still touching mine.


"Not yet."

Apparently we really have some making up to do for the last few days because he shows no signs of letting me leave, every time I try to tell him that I have to go and check on Steve he makes the thought disappear again with these beautiful lips of his.

Never. Stop. Kissing. Me.


He's so fucking perfect, so fucking precious and all fucking mine.

"Miles, I have to–"

"One more."

Why can't I ever deny him anything?

This time when he kisses me I can sense the urgency in it, the drive, the unconstrained yearn he has to just have me with him.

He does realise we have our whole lives for this, right? He doesn't need to get all those kisses in in one day.

All my kisses are yours Miles... all my kisses.

His tongue teases at my bottom lip before he begins tugging it gently between his teeth, his hips flush against my own so I can feel every flawlessly sculpted part of him... I almost forget that we are in a building with other people until someone coughs extremely loudly next to us.

"Well, that's one way to welcome a girl home."

I know that voice. I've fucking missed that voice.

Miles pulls back just enough for me to turn in her direction, her now sun kissed skin glowing and auburn hair sitting in perfect ringlets as she smiles that faultless white smile right at me.


She runs her eyes up and down Miles, her arms folded over her chest in her stunning green gown as she raises her eyebrows at me with that glorious smirk. Australia has been good to you girl.

"I mean, this dude is all kinds of hot, but aren't you supposed to be dating mini Thompson?"

I'm so glad that name is catching on...

Miles kind of half smiles at me before waving sheepishly towards her, not really sure what to do and waiting for the penny to drop whilst growing ever redder, but it doesn't straight away.

"Hey Kal, been a long time."

Her jaw drops and it takes everything I have not to fucking laugh. She's pretty much having the exact same reaction that I had the first time I saw him after all those years. You'd think she'd follow me on insta or something! Unless it's a cute picture of a little tiger cub that needs rescuing, she doesn't see shit.

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