"Should we go see Heather? She should be in her dress by now?" That finally gets a reaction from him, nodding his head and squeezing my hand a little bit tighter.

"Is Milo here yet?" He asks with the sweetest voice, one that only makes it that much harder to answer too with a no.

He should be here by now.

We gently slip out of Steve's hotel room and make our way down what seems like an everlasting corridor towards the other side where the girls are getting ready, but my mind is now far away from the wedding.

My mind is where it always is, with him.

Fuck, I just want to see him.

When he called last night to say they released him, it took everything I had not to get in the car and go straight to the fucking Manor.

It was late, Liam was already asleep and I knew he'd freak if he woke up and I wasn't there, I practically begged Miles to come to Al's place but he said he was fucking exhausted after spending so many days in a cell.

I understood, or at least I tried, but something about the way he was speaking to me... it just felt off. He was clearly upset no matter how well he was trying to hide it, and usually not even a fucking mountain to scale could keep him from me, never mind just being tired...

I know he's been through hell, I know that he feels like shit for being arrested but it wasn't his fucking fault. He did what he had to do to protect Liam and Hope, no one is going to use it against him like last time. Besides, this time he has me.

I just want to fucking see him; I want to hold him, kiss him and never let him fucking go again.

He said that he'd meet me here today because everything has been a bit to crazy for us to meet up any sooner, but everybody else has been here for a while so I don't know what's keeping him.

It doesn't matter, I swore to myself after everything that happened with Xade that I'd never doubt him again... and I won't. I trust that he has his reasons.

Liam practically drags me racing to the door when he spots the room that the girls are getting ready in, kicking something over in his hurry and pausing immediately to look down at the bottle of wine that was just left on the floor outside.

Why would you leave that there of all places?

He reaches down and picks up the bottle, handing it to me very carefully. He is a seriously accident prone kid who is pretty much the clumsiest person I've ever met, so I appreciate him taking care considering Brie will probably kill us both if he ruined that tux this close to the ceremony.

"What's that? Was that on the fucking floor?! Gifts are supposed to be put on the table downstairs without exception. Did one of the useless staff members leave that here? Honest to fucking God! CHRISTINA!" Both me and Liam stand firm to attention at the authoritative voice in front of us, Liam's shakes matched by my own as I come face to face with the most terrifying woman I've ever met.


I'm a giant man, she is a tiny little woman, and I am not the slightest bit ashamed to say that she absolutely fucking petrifies me.

Her poor assistant looks about ready to crack, carrying boxes piled higher than her own fucking height in one arm and trying to balance a clipboard with two large cups of what look like coffee, but I expect are actually vodka, in the other.

Sonya snaps her fingers at me to hand her the bottle and I've never moved faster. I once watched Brie threaten to remove the nipples of a sandwich girl with a staple remover down at Steve's office, the woman was shoving her boobs so close to my brothers face as she leant over his desk she was practically fucking breastfeeding the man, yet I still wasn't as afraid of Brie in that moment as I am standing here.

My Best Friends Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें