Chapter 78 - You're the reason I smile

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"You wanna see my scar?" I asked, glanced at him above my shoulder. His smile faded away.

"Yeah. I couldn't see it so well last time," he said seriously. I showed him my scar during the night for the first time, so I let out another sigh and turned to face him, folding my arms in front of my chest. He stepped closer and started investigating my stomach in the brightly sunlit room. He looked so handsome with that concern on his face. He looked so handsome anyway. As he was investigating my belly he put one of his hands gently on my hip, then he touched the scar with his other hand, tracing it along. His hands were still warm, it felt so good. After a couple of minutes, he looked me in the eye.

"My opinion doesn't change about it. It looks badass," he said, looking me in the eye, smiling, then his smile faded away. "It just breaks my heart that you had to feel such pain."

"It wasn't pleasant. But Jesus and Daryl were there for me," I said. He nodded understandingly. I felt my face was burning hot.

"It's not just the scar..." I said. "I'm shy."

I looked away embarrassed, not moving my arms from my chest.

"Why is that?" he asked. "You don't have to be ashamed of anything. You are perfect," he said seriously, so casually, like it was the most obvious thing to say. I covered my face with one hand, I was so embarrassed. And yet he continued. "You already saw me naked, when I had to wash myself at the cell. It's not a big deal," he was smiling in such a mischievous way again, I couldn't stand my own embarrassment anymore.

"NEGAN!" I said his name in a scolding tone, but I was still smiling. Now that he mentioned it, I remembered that I did see him naked, when I didn't have feelings for him yet. I had no idea my face could go even more red, but it did. And he was chuckling so adorably.

"I have never seen your face so red," he said smiling widely, pretty much entertained. "Are you alright?" he asked as he leaned closer to look at my face, while he was giggling again. I was chuckling too.

"You are such an idiot," I said laughing, covering my chest with my arms and my face with one hand, then I quickly turned my back on him.

"You even have a bra on, so I don't get it, why you're so shy," he said still smiling.

"Just get out!" I said chuckling disbelievingly as I glanced at him above my shoulder. He held up his hands defensively and left the room giggling. He closed the door behind himself.

"Jesus Christ..." I said still chuckling. I glanced at the closed door above my shoulder, then I let my arms fall back down. I was looking for a shirt. I grabbed one and quickly got dressed. When I finished I left the room. I went downstairs Negan was drinking water. I looked away, still blushing. Negan put down the glass and stepped to me.

"You are so adorable," he said smiling kindly. I looked him in the eye.

His smile became mischievous once again and suddenly, he just took off his shirt, looking me in the eye the entire time. It was hard to breathe, but I gathered all my strength not to faint. I stood his gaze and fought a war inside not to check him out.

Just look him in the eye, just his eyes! – I thought.

I knew if I would see him with just a few clothes on, I couldn't stop myself.

He smiled so provocatively, but I stood my ground. Then he went upstairs to the closet, to get dressed. As soon as he disappeared, I took some deep breaths. I tried to calm myself down. I quickly drank a glass of water and washed my face. When he came downstairs he was all dressed up, thank god.

"Let's check that wall," he said, but still in a good mood. We left the house, smiling like idiots.

"I think we should work separately today too," I said. He was still smiling.

"I thought you never wanna lose sight of me," he said mocking.

"Go to that damn house, so I can keep an eye on you," I said, chuckling, pointing in the direction. He left giggling. I headed to the wall. I glanced at Negan as he was walking away smiling, then I turned my gaze back at the road ahead. I saw Jesus frowning his eyebrows questioningly at me.

"I was wondering what took you so long, but I shouldn't have," said Jesus, smiling, glancing at Negan.

Before I could answer, Carol appeared next to me, carrying some tools for the wall.

"Finally," she said. "What's going on?" she asked as she saw Jesus's expression.

"I think Quinn had some fun last night," said Jesus giggling like a teenage boy.

"What the hell?! No!" I said, my face so red once again.

"Seems like you had," said Carol as she glanced at Negan too, who was still smiling to himself.

"No, I had not! What's with this kindergarten?" I snapped at them as they were both smiling. I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling too. "Come on, stop! Nothing happened! We were just having a good laugh in the morning," I said.

"Yeah, a good laugh, right," said Jesus still smiling.

As they were mocking me, some loud noise distracted us. Maggie threw a metal piece on the ground, staring at us angrily, killing me with her eyes, then she left in the opposite direction. She stared at Negan now killing him with her eyes too, his smile vanished. He turned his back on her as well, just like I did, and concentrated on his work. Maggie walked away eventually. As she left, my eyes met with Negan's. His smile returned slightly. I turned back to my work. I glanced at Carol. She and Jesus acted like children who did something wrong and the teacher just got them redhanded.

"Sorry," whispered Carol.

"She better get used to it. We won't be depressed all the time for her sake." I said.

"Sorry, Quinn," said now Jesus too. "I'll talk to her later when she calms down."

"Thanks. Just don't do this again, please. Especially because nothing happened now. Even if it happens, I don't want you to make a fuss about it," I said. They both looked at me nodding.

"Okay," said Jesus as he embraced me with one arm. "I'm glad you're in a good mood today. I missed it," he said smiling.

I smiled at him. I glanced at Carol.

"And what's going on with you?" I asked to change the topic.

"Nothing. Daryl lives in the basement, I live on the ground floor, Henry and Lydia upstairs."

"Thank god that house is so big," I said mocking her.

"Where's Daryl by the way? I barely see him," asked Jesus.

"He goes hunting every day. It's hard to find anything, so it takes time," she said.

I glanced at Carol once again. I had a feeling Daryl was avoiding her. I flashed a sad smile at her when Jesus turned away. She shrugged her shoulder. We were communicating silently, without Jesus noticing. We patched up another section of the wall. I glanced at Negan. He was crouching by the tool kit. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other, then I quickly turned away, blushing. I knew Negan did all this in the morning to make me laugh. To lighten up my mood. And I was grateful for that. We both had a good laugh, finally. We both needed it.


Author's notes: Listen to "Love Again" by Dua Lipa.

Thank You for reading! ❤

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora