He didn't want to kill her, he didn't have a choice. She broke the rules, disrespected him and God, so he had to put her where she belonged. He gave her a merciful death, that's all she would've wanted. Jackson didn't see it that way, sliced through my father in his sleep that night like he was a freshly cooked steak. He kept saying he did it for us, but really he did it for him. He's always been a power hungry coño!

That's why he won't let me move up here, keeps saying he's trying to protect me from this world, making me play ball and go to fucking basketball camp like I'm some pathetic fucking teenager instead of letting me step up and take my birthright.

He won't let me in, so I have no choice, I have to take it from him.

I'll do it with a bullet and look him in the eye as I do, like a man, not like he did with our father. I'm no pinche cobarde like him that would kill a man in his sleep.

Twirling my knife between my fingers, I approach the sniffling child pleading with his life giver for help. This was the last thing my mother ever gave me, it feels rather poetic that I should shove it into Chrissie's kid and relieve her of the burden she never fucking wanted. He may appreciate being free of her too.

"You want your mommy little boy? You want mommy to come give you a hug?" Look at this mierda, didn't put up so much as a fight when we shoved him into the car, only tried to protect the girl. My mother would have strung me up for showing such fucking weakness, he needs to get stronger and there's only one way for me to do that for him. "Your mommy doesn't want you. From the sounds of it, nobody wants you... Except for that joto uncle of yours, I bet he really likes to touch you... I bet he gives you a very special hug every night doesn't he?"

Laughter echoes from behind me, I may be a fucked up cunt that doesn't hold any value on anybody else is life, but at least I'm not willing to sacrifice my own fucking hijo so I can get my hands on enough cash to escape the country... this mamóna is beneath even the street rats offering me their cunts for fix.

She is even more stupid if she believes I will give her so much as a fucking peso when we get it. This was all her idea and I just needed someone to pin the bodies on if we get caught, it's the only reason she's still breathing. She will see no money, but I do plan to drag her body through the streets chained up to the back of my fucking car. After my boys are done with her of course, tits like that shouldn't go to waste.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Hope shouts, finally looking at me after spending the last twenty minutes staring at the fucking floor. The smell of iron coming off her is fucking intoxicating, the boys barely roughed her up but she's bleeding everywhere. Not as much as she will be later though, I plan to litter this floor with her insides. I've always loved the smell of blood.

I take a step back, watching her trying to give any kind of comfort to the boy in the seat next to her, rolling her hands around and around inside the tightly wound ropes that tie them both to the chairs but she knows as well as I do that she isn't getting out of here.

No one escapes me, it's a lesson she will be teaching her best friend very shortly.

She attempts to whisper some kind of comfort to the snivelling little rodent but I grab hold of her chin, slamming her head back and hearing her neck crunch before placing the cool flat side of the blade against her cheek.

"Wow, didn't know you could be so feisty little perra." I guess my woman has had a influence over her, that's good to know. She's a pretty thing, not like May, more innocent. I bet she's fallen asleep every night since the day May introduced us with her hand inside her wet panties, thinking about what would happen if I'd just let my attention slide over to her even once.

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