Chapter 17

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What’s up you guys!? I’m in a bad mood today :/ But you know whatever! Have you heard the new cover song “One Way Or Another”!? I can’t wait for it to come out now!! :D Wish that days flew faster!! :D Plus their tour starts soon! ALSO, I want to THANK ALL OF YOU GUYS!!!! This fanfic has over 6,000 reads now!!! I literally think this made my morning today! It’s awesome to wake up with another 1,000 reads! Well I hope you all enjoy!!




-Denny and Macey xx


Chapter 17


                “Ya, no thanks,” I said. The cold night air blew, opening my jacket slightly, making me shiver with the sudden change of temperature. It was just warm and nice a couple of second ago… What happened!? Did god want to punish me further by changing the nice weather to horrifying polar weather?

                I walk past him, hitting his shoulder slightly. He stood upright, even with the hard impact of my shoulders hitting his.

                “Why not!? Come on, it’s cold! Let’s go to my house for the night,” he mutters behind me. I keep walking, ignoring him completely.

                “Allison, get in the car. You have nowhere to go. Just face it and let’s go!” He shouted at me. The sky is finally dark, and we are the only people on the street. Normally, I don’t like walking in the streets alone, but I feel at ease now that I feel my gun in my boot. The tip is hitting my ankle, and at that moment I’m glad I fight with guns and not knives. That would suck, so much.

                “You’re supposed to be dead. I’m sorry for acting just a bit stubborn, Justin,” I mutter under my breath, not really sure if he heard me or not. If Justin is alive, then everyone from the incident made it out right? There is a small part of me that is glad he’s alive but the other part sort of wishes he’s dead. If he’s alive then that means there was no point in me leaving Adrissa. Sure they treated me like trash, and they don’t really care about me, but I ran away because I want to prevent these kinds of things happening. It’s one thing to blow up a house full of 30+ year olds, and another to blow up famous people with teenage girls in the crowd.

                “Ya, and we can talk how you saved my life when we get to my house. Now let’s go!” Justin said. He reached over, and grabbed my arm from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, mainly because of him pulling at my arm, and turned around. My face is a couple of inches from him. I can’t feel his breath on my face but I can see where it connected with mine, because of the night’s temperature.

                Justin’s eyes were staring intensely at me, making me feel safe and warm for the second time this week. The first time was with Niall, and now it happens again with Justin.

                By now, I’ve perfected my smile, for it hides my insecurities. It hides me anger, my sorrow, my sadness, and my envy. A smile hides those tears I cried so many nights and my broken heart that refuses to heal. It hides my flaws and regrets. It hides my pain and my fears. My hate and my jealousy. My smile hides who I am. A criminal, born from the ashes of evil. All of which, was thanks to my alcoholic, abusive parents.

                No matter how many times I tell myself that all of what my parents did was for the best, and that if I hadn’t run away they’d still be torturing my everyday life. My meaningless life that deserves no love, no gifts, no nothing. Just… Pain…

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