He breaks away and throws himself completely on top of me, not hesitating for a moment to kiss me like crazy as he interlocks our fingers and I feel the cold metal of his ring hit against my own.

He fucking promised himself to me now... There's no going back.

Of course our beautifully romantic moment is ruined when my head hits against the pile of Christmas presents behind me and I'm pretty sure I just knocked myself out on the glass cage surrounding his basketball.

Ow... That fucking hurt...

"Shit!" He chuckles, sitting us back up and rubbing his hand against the back of my now swelling head. "Are you okay babe?"

Is it okay that every time he calls me that it just makes every hair on my body stand on fucking end? Nobody else calling me that word has ever had that effect.

"I'm good," I respond, trying to feel for the cartoon lump that's about to spring from the back of my skull. "Need help putting this stuff away?"

He shakes his head, placing his lips down right at the point where I hurt and instantly soothing away any trace of pain.

Wow, that actually fucking works...

I literally have to clench my hands into fists at my side when he starts just piling all his shit up on his desk, practically playing his very own game of fucking Tetris as he balances each box.

You are so fucking messy...

He grabs the last box from behind me, a Lego set that his mother got him, but instead of putting it on the desk he opens the closet and slots it straight on a shelf where I see there are about ten others still in their boxes.

"Does she get you one of them every year or something?" Miles nods, his cheeks seriously heating up more than they should for something like this. "Why don't you just tell her that you don't use them?"

He sighs, closing the door of his closet and falling against it whilst trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"If I tell you then you'll laugh." Oh my God, could he be any cuter right now? Look how red he is!

"I promise not to laugh." I'm absolutely fucking lying.

Miles scratches nervously at the back of his head, running his fingertips down his face and finally turning to face me.

"Basically... I kind of... I used too... Okay fine! I used to ask her for them every fucking year because when you came over you would always build them with me, I thought if I always had a new one for Christmas then you would always make it with me, so I asked her for them repeatedly and now she thinks I'm obsessed with the things and I couldn't exactly tell her the truth back then to correct her! You happy?" He shuffles the words out quicker than I can possibly process before gasping for air.

Turns out I was wrong, he could get fucking cuter.

He turns, ready to run away and hide through his embarrassment but honestly I just think he got that much fucking sweeter to me. Does he seriously not see how adorable he is right now?

I should have done more, been there for him more. I can't turn back time, but I can be there for him every fucking day from this one forward.

Starting right now.

I grab his wrist and pull him straight down on top of me, falling back onto the matt black bedding, this time thankfully not smacking my fucking head as I immediately part his lips and start to stroke his tongue with my own.

I fucking love you.

There's no way he can possibly ever understand what he does to me. I wish I could be as free and loving as he is, live without fear or regret. I've been so much better since I've been with him, he's made me the best version of myself, but he's still who I aspire to be.

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