His perfectly lubed fingers slip straight inside me, the feeling unexplainable as my head drops to meet the tiles, the chill they bring to my skin the only thing keeping me from slipping away into blissful surrender. I can feel his domineering aura pressing against my own as he strokes gently inside me, curling and searching for spots that make me twitch whilst littering his lips over the side of my neck.

How the fuck does he know my body so well already? It's like he's in my fucking head, knowing everything I want before I have any chance to tell him.

The water continues to slash down from the shower heads around us but I can hardly fucking hear it, the steam is think with mint but the scent doesn't hit me, all my senses are clouded entirely as his other hand presses against mine on the wall, connecting us together before he pulls out only to push back in against me all over again.

"Josh... Do you have any idea what you do to me?" He breathes, his lips never leaving my skin through each word. "The way you make me lose control every time I get my hands on your body." He pulls out again but this time when he forces his way back in my body is overcome with fucking pleasure as he adds another digit and I feel myself stretching to accommodate him. He feels so fucking good. "The way you sit on my mind... How your hands linger their touch on my skin long after you've left me..." I can hardly cope when the combination of his words and what he's doing to me, it's too fucking much. "I'm beyond obsessed with you... You are my everything."

And you're mine Miles, my absolute fucking everything.

He presses in once again and angles to hit the perfect spot to make me scream, but my body is still clawing at itself with need for him. I can't do it like this, I need to be able to touch his lips right now.

When he pulls himself almost completely out again I twist until we are facing each other, giving him no time to react and grabbing hold of his head so I can connect our lips again.

The kiss is raw, I keep my grip on him strong as I pull us both out of the shower still dripping wet and guide us through to the bedroom without ever letting his lips leave mine. It's crazy how our minds always seem to be connected, even our steps through the room move in sync so there's never so much as a fucking stumble.

The backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed and I try to pull us both down but he immediately wraps his arms around me to keep us standing, holding me caged within his cradling embrace as he slowly takes his lips away from mine and stares into my eyes.

Searching, his gaze simply searching my own for answers he already knows.

You know Miles... You know.

The way that he looks at me, most people go their whole fucking lives without ever having anyone look at them the way that he looks at me.

You can read every emotion spreading through his soul on his face; the tension in his jaw as he tries to keep himself under control, the softness in his parted lips that are filled with the desire to be back in contact with my body... His eyes, those dream filling orbs the most expressive of them all, the overwhelming emotion he feels so strongly for me present in every wispy strand of gold through the ever present hazel.

I know what I want.

It's the same thing I want for the rest of my fucking life.


Everything slows, his hands that were gripping my body now sit soothingly stroking at my waist, his head pressed against mine with delicate pressure, and his heaving chest trying to calm his wild breaths.

Gentle. Every move he makes treating me like a prized possession that he just wants to fucking treasure.

I want to be treasured by you Miles, I want to be everything you fucking need.

He lowers me gently onto the bed, his arm firmly around my waist telling me that I'm so fucking safe here. That's what it is with Miles; there's enough dominance and animal in him to make him the alpha that I fucking need, but he's got all the compassion, empathy and tenderness of a fucking angel sent just for me.

It was that part made me fall in love with him.

He's everything, everything anyone could ever want.

Our bodies lay in total synchronisation on top of the fur throws that cover the bed, the doors to the balcony still left wide open and flooding the room with gorgeous moonlight that bounces off his high cheekbones as he hovers his face above mine in the darkness.

I don't think I've ever seen him look as beautiful as he does in this moment...

"Josh..." His chest heaves against mine, our hearts pounding in a matching rhythm that would usually make my head feel dizzy with the racing rate but right now it just matches his... Our bodies falling into sync.

He lowers his overbearing weight onto his elbows at either side of my head as he gently starts to grind his hips against my own, running the length of his sword directly against mine and causing a flurry of never ending butterflies to erupt inside my stomach as he just looks down into my eyes.

There's no nerves, no fear... no guilt... There's just him

As I open my legs wrap them around his waist, the cold air now feels thick with heat. He refuses to break our eye contact, taking my hand in his and bringing it to his lips so he can kiss the palm gently before trailing the kisses down my wrist and trying to come any hesitation he feels might be making it's way through my body.

It's not like that this time Miles...

He brings his hand over to cup my cheek, his gaze perfectly focused on my own and not moving until he knows... This simple gesture, a silent question being asked by his touch at the moment he angles himself against me.

I do what we always do, taking his fingers with my own and guiding his palm from my cheek to my lips, our kiss of consent.

I'm ready... I...

The emotions in his eyes.

Oh God look at him...

I just fucking...

"Wait..." He pauses instantly, never a moment of hesitation even with such a tiny whisper leaving my lips and brushing against his own.

"Josh," He goes to pull back but I quickly reach out and grab his hips to keep him with me. "Josh it's okay, we don't have to..."


I shake my head, that's not why I'm stopping him.

I'm stopping him because I need him to know.

I know and he already knows, he can feel it every time he touches me and I can feel it every time I fucking look at him. I just have to... I just need him to...

"I love you."


I said it... Fuck, I said it... and it feels...


Miles looks down at me, those beautiful eyes of his filling with tears even as the smile spreads across his face. He can't help himself, pulling the back of my head up instantly so he can kiss me.

He kisses me, he doesn't stop fucking kissing me and I never want him to. I don't know if the tears on my cheeks are his or mine anymore but I don't fucking care, I love him.

I am completely and entirely fucking in love with Milo Thompson.

He pulls away just enough that I can see the true toll my words have fucking taken on him, he knew that they existed in my heart but I think he'd surrendered himself to the fact I may never be able to tell him out loud...

I love you, God I fucking love you.

He's being so fucking patient with me. He's shown me more compassion and understanding than anyone could have ever known one person could show another.

"I love you Josh." He whimpers, a single tear still rolling down his cheek as he presses his forehead to mine. "I'm so fucking in love with you."

I cup the back of his head with both hands, bringing his lips down onto mine. I need him to know... I'm trying to prove to him that everything he feels in his soul is mirrored in mine. He will always be my stars.

"Show me..."

Being with him... I just need to fucking be with him.

Positioning himself again, he strokes my cheek as he looks down between our bodies, pressing his tip against me and pushing inside slower than I knew was fucking possible, whilst keeping his eyes locked with mine to watch everything he's doing to me on my face. He can always read me...

He's big... He's so fucking big... but, fuck is he perfect.

Damn, breathe Josh. You have to fucking breathe.

To say he fills me would be a fucking understatement, my body feels like it's being torn in half but I know if I can just breathe through it things will get better. He doesn't try to move, completely stopping every time he sees me wince or bite down on my bottom lip.

The moment his pelvis hits my skin and I know he's within me completely I finally feel like I can take a breath.


"I'm okay..."

He doesn't move his body, but his lips make sure to distract me as they press delicately against the sensitive skin of my neck, it feels good... I feel so fucking safe with him. He holds himself perfectly still until the pain finally starts to pass and I can feel the overwhelming sense of being united with him take over my body.

We are one.

His lips come back to meet my own, a tingling sensation filling my stomach when he accidentally grinds ever so gently inside me... Oh fuck...

"You can move..."

He pulls back, moving so slowly and sensitively until he's almost out of me completely before pressing back in again. This time it's far less painful, but I'm grateful for all the lube he smothered me in back in the shower as he almost instantly pulls out and thrusts back in again.

Fuck... Okay... Fuck...

Again. Do it again.

I can tell that he's desperately trying to hold himself back but his eyes are almost rolling into the back of his head at the feeling my body is giving his when he does it again for the third time.

Oh fuck...

This time there's only fucking pleasure, so much fucking pleasure. He senses the shift in my body, looking over my face and lowering his lips down onto mine. His whole demeanour shifts when he realises I'm fucking euphoric with everything he's doing, intertwining our fingers and holding our conjoined hands against the mattress as he begins to move in and out of me more quickly.

I don't remember it feeling this fucking good...

"I love you..." His lust filled voice breathlessly pants against my ear, my head throwing itself back into the pillows at the feeling of total fucking ecstasy taking over every cell in my being.

"I lov- Oh fuck!" I lose all train of rational thought at the moment he thrusts back in and hits that perfect spot deep within my fucking body. Fuck... He found it...

I can't control it, pre-cum leaks from my tip all over my stomach between our bodies, my hand he doesn't have connected with his reaching around him and starting to claw at his back when he twists and tilts his hips so that he smashing against that point with every fucking perfect thrust.

"You're so tight..." It feels so fucking good Miles. "Fuck Josh... You're perfect... You are so fucking perfect... You were fucking made for me..."

As he brushes again and again against that spot and unspeakable pleasurable erupts through my being, it's hard to fucking argue with him. Two people wouldn't fucking fit this perfectly with each others bodies unless they were fucking made for it.

"Miles... Fuck... Miles..." He stops holding back, I didn't even know he fucking was, but the harder he drives the louder I fucking scream and he can't fucking stop himself.

He doesn't stop, he doesn't fucking slow... Even when the sounds leaving my mouth aren't even fucking words anymore he just keeps overloading my body with inconceivable bliss.

Most people can't match my fucking stamina in life but he has no signs of being fucking tired, he slips in and out of me at such a speed that I can feel myself whining and pleading to fucking explode from the inside out. His lips kiss mine for just long enough to make my head start to cloud before pulling back to allow me much needed oxygen, only to initiate the kiss all over again as soon as I'm stable.

Our interlocked fingers press together until I'm not sure where my skin ends and his begins, the moonlight covering him in an ethereal glow and I swear all the stars are starting to fall from the fucking sky under the pressure of something uniting in such a way it's creating its own in natural force.

We're being lost to the universe.

The bed feels like it's about to cave in, neither of us are small guys and the headboard is smashing against the wall so hard I'm convinced it's going to go fucking through it! The only sound louder than it hitting the bricks are my screaming, thrill-filled moans as he lets his movements become more fucking ragged with desire.

Reaching down between our bodies, he attempts to wrap his hand around my length but for once I don't fucking need it. I've never been able to... Not just from... but if he touches me there right now I'm just going to fucking release.

It's taking everything in me to hold back already, the ecstasy taking over my mind is eclipsing my thoughts to the point I couldn't tell you what my own fucking name is... but I sure as fuck can tell you his.


"Fuck... Josh..."

He's close... Fuck, he's close...

I force his hand behind my neck, the sweat continuing to drip from both our bodies and conjoining over our connected layer of skin as we hold ourselves together at every point.

"Cum with me Josh... Just hold on..."

"I c-can't..." The room starts to spin before my eyes as I try to force my body to fucking listen to him.

"I'm so fucking close babe..." His lips come back down onto mine, trying to kiss me but we are both so fucking breathless as the sensation just over takes us both.


"I love you Josh..."

"Miles!" I plead just at the moment his tip smashes again against that spot and the stars that usually fill his eyes completely cover my own.


The moment the word leaves his lips, I let go of all my restraint.

Every limb in my body shakes uncontrollably, his almost to the point of convulsing against mine as the most powerful orgasm either of us have ever experienced throws itself upon our bodies.

Fuck... I feel like I'm on fire and drowning under deep fucking water all at the same time.

I don't know where I am, who I am... All I know is that I've never felt anything like this... Ever.

White streams shoot out of my tip, covering both our stomachs and chests but he doesn't stop. He keeps going until I have nothing left, his hips only pausing when he's buried deep inside me and can see I have nothing left to give, emptying himself into my fucking hollow body.

The emotion that takes me over when I look up at his face... I can feel the tears building back in my eyes. He's completely riddled with unexplainable pleasure, but that only morphs into unyielding love when he looks back down upon me.

Those eyes... It's always those fucking eyes. They will be my undoing.

We both just pause, our exhausted bodies still connected but neither of us moving a muscle. Just soaking in the moment...

Ten years.... Ten years of pain, ten years of fear, ten years of not letting a single person get close enough to touch my body or soul...

Ten years of waiting for him.

Fuck, it was worth every fucking day.

He guides himself out of me slowly, I know I'm going to feel this in the morning but right now I don't think I've ever been so contented.

Gently resting his hand on my hip, he tilts us so we both lay side by side facing each other. Where we always end up... No matter what. I can see the concern he has for me taking over his features but I rest my hand against his cheek so he knows he doesn't have to worry... It was perfect.

Our limbs naturally magnetise towards each other until we are wrapped up in one another's hold again. From the first time he fell asleep in my arms to this one moment right here, having him with me, the feeling it gives has never faded. It only ever grows.

And it only ever will.

"I'm so glad it was you..."

Of all the people, over seven billion human beings on this planet searching out for their truest love... It was him.

I manage to fall in love, with him.

Miles smiles, pressing his lips down against my heart before moving them up my body until they connect with my own. He strokes his thumb over my cheek bone and looks at me with more sincerity than I think I've ever seen from him before... A million memories running behind his eyes that I wish I could see from his view.

"It's always been you... for me, Josh... it's always been you."

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