I really don't mean to laugh this hard but the idea of Harley hitting anyone with anything other than a full handbag is kind of hilarious.

So are those little karate moves he's trying right now. He's definitely going to split those pants any second.

My little dancer is definitely more of a lover than a fighter.

"Ooh I'm very scared. You are so very very intimidating baby." He gives me his 'I'm going to make you pay for that later' look but it quickly fades away when I grab hold of his hips and pull him flush in against me again. "Just kiss it better and we'll go back to the dance."

I slip the crown off his head, placing it onto my own to replace the one that is lost somewhere on the floor back there. He just smirks at me, that gorgeous smile of his just as bright now as it was the day I fell the fuck in love with him.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world that I'll get to spend every morning waking up to that smile for the rest of my life.

I'm never letting him go. Never.

"One kiss, but only because you look so damn cute in that thing." He leans forward, pushing his thick lips against mine while his hand finds its way to the side of my neck just like it does every time he kisses me. It feels like he's imprinted himself on my body, I feel so lost every time his hand isn't placed right there now.

His kisses are always so gentle, light and fun just like him. I can't imagine ever wanting to be kissed by anybody else, being allowed to fall in love with someone so amazing feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity, one I have no intention to waste.

"Now," he whispers, pushing the smallest kiss right on top of the cut splitting across my lip. "Which way to the nurses office?"

"I'll just come with you." I shuffle down from the sink, both of us losing our attention on each other when they seems to be a universal gasp from the hall on the other side of this wall.

Well I'm going to guess that everybody just found out about Aleah and Jayce then, either that or Britney let her boobs fall out of her dress 'accidentally'... again.

"Actually," Harley walks his fingers down the front of my shirt until they reach my belt, looping them inside and pulling me against him before flipping our bodies and shoving me into the cubicle that was behind him. "I think you should stay right here, I'll go get it, and that fine ass of yours better be naked by the time I get back."

This is why I love him.

He skips out of the cubicle, his perfectly toned body stretching as he leans against the open doorway and runs his eyes all over me like I've already lost my clothes.

This I can definitely do.

I let him get all the way to the hallway door before shouting out to him again, I've never been able to let him leave a room without telling him.

"Harley, I love you."

He twists, pirouette actually, there's always so much dance in every movement that he makes. It's not just something he does, it's something he is.

"I love you more." He says that every time, even though I know it's not possible.

Slipping the bolt across the door, I check it twice to make sure it's secure before taking my phone out of my pocket and registering the time. Shit, the limo is going to pick us up in like twenty minutes so he'd better get his ass back here quick. Maybe we could just-

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