The moment the screen turns from green to red, I slowly slip my way inside him, maintaining the deep rhythm against his rod and listening to his moans finally unleash themselves with no other ears to hear them.

Moving slowly, I make sure to give his body time to adjust, I know that he'll still need it. Well, I guess I don't know myself yet, but it's just a matter of fucking time now.

His hips press back against mine so that I am buried deep inside him, only for him to thrust forward again into my fist as he moans with enough volume that I hope to fuck this is sound proof glass. He's ready.

"Miles..." I know babe... I know what you need. I always fucking know.

Sliding out of him slowly, I reach his hilt at the same moment. Pressing my lips down against his back, I push into him deeply whilst running my hand to his tip and smothering his body in pleasure, searching out for that magical fucking spot that just makes him scream.

He has no idea what he does to me when he makes these fucking noises, it's like music that I'm creating with the instrument of his body.

Everything about him is shaking, as I press into him again I brush against the spot that makes him quiver all the more vividly, his barely stable legs would've let him collapse to the floor if I wasn't pressed into his body keeping him bent here. I can feel all the tension that was sitting in my mind release the instant I watch him fall to pieces and embrace all the pleasure I'm giving him completely.

Some girl almost crashes into the glass wall of his office next to us, carrying too many files on her ridiculously high heels. I realise just how many people are on the other side of that glass, people I was paying no attention too before now.

Grabbing hold of the back of Josh's shirt, I pull him up flush against my body from the desk, hitting his spot before reaching around him and continuing to pump his growing length.

"Look at them Josh." His heart is racing, as I run my lips up the side of his neck I can feel the pulsation pounding out from his throat against my mouth. He's so fucking turned on right now.

His eyes don't open, so I continue to stroke inside him until his legs start to buckle completely under the pressure of so much fucking satisfaction.

Don't ignore me Josh...

"I said, look at them..." His eyes finally spring open, the arm I have wrapped around his hips all that's keeping him on his feet anymore when I move my focus to his sensitive tip. "I could flip that switch right now Josh, one flick of my finger and they could all see what a fucking gorgeous mess you are."

We both glance down at the box on his desk... if I'm perfectly honest... the fucking temptation is there.

"Miles... Fuck!" He really needs to learn that I know exactly the targets to hit to force him to surrender to me. I know his body better than I know my own.

I pull us both backwards until I'm sitting in his office chair with him firmly on my lap, his leaking member so thick and swollen that I know he's inches away from spilling over the edge. His head falls back against my shoulder so I have the perfect view down his trembling body and I force my hips against my wrist so that I can continue to press in and out of him whilst rolling my thumb around and around his tip.

"Fuck, do that again..." Who am I to deny this man anything?

I do exactly as he asks, circling his sword and squeezing slightly as I pick up the pace. His neck just sitting there is too fucking tempting, I suck the tender surface deep into my mouth and he thrusts himself down onto me so I am reaching every possible spot he could want me in.

He's beyond beautiful when he lets go, he has to be strong with everybody else but he doesn't have to be like that with me. He can just concede, hand himself over because he knows that I'm always going to take care of him.

He has nothing to fear with me. All I want to bring him is happiness.

The world continues to spin around us, but I feel like it doesn't even exist right now. I let go and Josh instantly turns his head, beginning to suck on my neck in an effort to keep himself quiet at the moment I feel his hot seed shoot out in a powerful ricochet of euphoria, so powerful that I'm not sure what the fuck it hit but I can feel it trickling down my fingers while I continue to ride him through his orgasm.

He's screaming into my skin, biting down on the flesh enough to leave serious fucking marks but it just feels too fucking good to stop him. I wish I could carry his mark on my neck fucking always, a way for the world to see I'm his and his alone.

Post orgasm Josh is my fucking favourite, his mouth unlatches itself from my throat as I gently slip out of him and let him catch his breath.

Wrapping my arms around his body, I just hope to fuck that his dry cleaning over there has a full fucking suit in it because I'm definitely making him a mess he won't be able to clean up right now. It doesn't stop me though, holding him tight and embracing the warmth of his being against mine as he takes in deep breaths of our combined air. I needed that, I really needed him.

It's never about sex with us, that part of it isn't really important, it's just the intimacy of having a part of each other that nobody else gets. Being with him is like wrapping yourself up in a security blanket with a built in force field, no one in the world and none of the other shit can get to you when you're in the safety of this bubble.

Here it's just us. Me and him.

Josh grabs the fabric at the bottom of his shirt and cleans over my hand before wrapping himself back up in my arms, not even attempting to move from my lap as he only settles in further.

"There is a very angry man in Japan right now because of you." He jokes, leaning up and placing a kiss against the edge of my jaw.

"Worth it." He laughs at my clear disregard for whatever business deal I just fucked up, I know I should care but I don't, he wouldn't have let me do it if it was that important.

He makes his first attempt to get up from my lap but I just pulled him straight back down, I'm not ready to let him go yet.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispers, placing tiny kisses on the skin just below my ear.

I look down at his sleep ridden, sapphire blue eyes; I don't think either of us ever get much rest when we aren't in the same bed at night.

"I am now." Josh shuffles back into his underwear, leaving his trousers hanging loose on his hips as he twists in my hold to reach my lips.

I know it won't always be like this, life is never this easy or straight forward, but when it's just the two of us I swear I could move fucking mountains. I can't wait for it to be a few years from now, where all this hard shit is just part of a funny anecdote we tell when everybody comes over for dinner on Fridays. When our lives have moved so far past the same stupid questions people have about our relationship that we can just walk into any house hand in hand without the slightest hint of misgiving.

My eyes fall shut as I welcome his kiss, letting my touch guide me through each button of his shirt until I can discard the fabric somewhere on the floor of his office.

There's a knock on the door but Josh doesn't even bother to look back at it, continuing to kiss me when I let one eye fall open and take in the sight of Charlie pressing his entire body against the frosted glass trying to see what's happening inside.

"Is Miles in there?! I saw his fine ass on the security cameras!"

I let it fall shut again, leaning forward with a smirk ready to kiss his lips only to realise he's gone. It takes me a second when I open them again to figure out where the fuck he is until I look down to see him on his knees right before me, looping his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and pulling them down before I have the chance to say anything more.

That look he gets on his face... like he's about to have the best fucking lunch of his life... I fucking love that look.

His head comes forward into my lap and mine falls immediately back against his office chair, losing myself in the all encompassing feeling of completion the moment his lips meet with my skin.

Charlie keeps hammering on the door, but it does nothing to distract me from everything Josh is beginning to do to my body. He's so fucking good at this...

"You had better not be having fucking sex in there without me!"

I love bring your boyfriend to work day.

My Best Friends BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora