"You should probably taste them before you go around saying things like I can cook." He replies smiling, his own eyes darting to Liam before he leans forward and captures my lips once again. I can taste the blueberries and the coffee still coating them, making him even more delicious than he already is.

I steal my coffee off the counter, adding a splash of vanilla syrup before taking my seat at the bar stool and allowing myself a bite of the fluffy goodness.

Oh. My. God.

That marriage thing is definitely back on the fucking table.

"These are the best fucking pancakes I've ever had in my life... They kind of taste like the ones that –"

"Granny used to make?" I smile, nodding my head and taking another bite. I don't know what I miss more about that glorious woman, her ability to knock Brie down with a single look or every single meal she filled me with throughout college. "It's her recipe, May altered it a bit I think but otherwise it's still the one she used to do when we were kids. I wasn't sure how they'd turn out with that crap you've got that passes for milk in your fridge."

"Hey!" I protest, but it almost comes out as a moan when the syrup soaked cooked batter slips down over my tongue. Damn this is good. "It's oat milk, there's nothing wrong with it."

Miles scoffs. "There's nothing fucking right with it either. What's your issue with real milk? You eat cheese, it's the same fucking thing."

"I know, I'm a walking contradiction." What would I need to do to get him to make me more of these? This won't be enough. "Milk is just weird, if humans were supposed to have milk after we stopped being infants than you'd still be attaching yourself to your mum a few times a day."

The coffee in Miles' hands almost slips entirely from his grasp as the horror on his face sends the resulting shiver all the way through his spine until he's trying to shake away the imagery.

"Great, now you've ruined fucking milk for me. I hope you're proud of yourself." I can't stop laughing, I really just want to pull him over the bar and kiss him but Liam's decided to come and join in with us, struggling to get up on the bar stool until Miles steps out of the kitchen and picks him up. "Don't ever say anything like that again." He threatens while scooting in Liam's chair so he can reach his food more easily. "It's a thought I can definitely live without."

Miles starts to clear up in the kitchen, even when I repeatedly tell him that I'll do it later he refuses to listen. It's kind of sweet how bad he is at cleaning but I appreciate the effort. After throwing the empty milk carton into the recycling he takes one of the post-it notes I use to remind me to add something to the shopping list and scribbles down a message before sticking it to the front of my fridge.

'Got milk?'

Oh he's fucking funny.

He also needs to sleep here every fucking night from now on because this is the only decent way to start a day. Falling asleep with him in my arms and waking up to blueberry pancakes? Yeah a guy could get used to that real fucking quick.

"Joshy, how long have we got until I've got to... Until you take me back to mum?" Liam used to call me Joshy all the time when he was younger, he's slowed it down over the years and it's become a bit of a tell tale sign that his anxiety levels are raising.

I look over at the clock on the TV and see that his time with me is quickly coming to an end again. I fucking hate this.

"Soon little man, but we've still got an hour if you want to go over to the park or something before I take you back?" The park is usually pretty quiet at this time, he doesn't like to be around too many kids so it's the only real time we can really go there.

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