He leans forward, taking one of the smaller pastries and tearing off tiny pieces onto a plate in front of him. He kind of reminds me of Liam sometimes, trying to shield what is clear insecurity by keeping his hands busy, Liam usually does it with books or playing a video game though.

"Thanks... My niece is starting pre school in a few weeks and my sister said she'll be ready to take everything over once she does, I'd like to give the business over to her in the best condition that I can if you're up for it."

That's understandable. "Well we'd better get started soon, you know how long shit like this can take... How old is your niece?"

I'm not sure I've actually ever seen this guy smile in all the time we've spent together, but it seems like this little girl might be his weak spot, he's practically glowing as he talks about her.

"Three, going on thirteen." He chuckles. "My sister says she's a nightmare but I think it's just karmas way of punishing her for being such a little shit herself growing up, she's been inflicted with a mini version of exactly who she was."

I can't help but laugh, it's a very familiar situation. "Yeah, I've got one of them too. I swear sometimes Heather is Aleah's clone rather than her daughter. It's surreal to see them together."

His smile only grows. "You like doing the uncle thing?"

I really do. "Love it. You?"

He nods, his whole body now relaxed as he turns to face me in his tub chair. He's got seriously long legs, and arms actually. He's not as tall as me but he's so well built all over that he's filling that chair easily. He probably doesn't lift like I do but he's seriously sculpted.

"I'd rather do the dad thing but it's the best I've got for now. She's amazing too, even when she drives me crazy I wouldn't change a hair on her head. I kind of hope it's in the genes, I wouldn't mind having a version of her that's mine."

I know exactly what he means, sometimes when all your friends have incredible, beautiful kids that you know you might never get, it makes you appreciate them just that much more.

He picks up another pastry and begins to tear it to shreds, the last one he got his hands on already looks like a pile of crumbs.

"You should really get one of those little fidget toys or something, that's a waste of perfectly good food."

"Sorry." He replies sheepishly whilst returning the food to the table. "Nervous habit, I've done it since I was a kid. It drives Olivia mental as well, it's why she'll never eat food with me."

He gently pushes the plate with the half destroyed pastry far enough out of his grasp that he can't immediately pick it up and continue unconsciously. I didn't mean to make him feel bad about it... Shit.

"Are you free this evening?" He asks, clearly looking for a change of subject. "Most of the office check out early on a Friday afternoon so we'll have the space to go through things if you're up for it. I'll get us take out and promise not to waste any."

Oh shit, that's a nice offer but I definitely can't do tonight.

"I'm so sorry, literally any other night and I could. I've kind of, um, got a date tonight. If it was like a blind set up or something I'd just cancel, but it's taken me a week to organise this for him and he's kind of... I can do Monday if that's any good?"

"Yeah sure, that works, thanks... I um, I didn't realise you were seeing someone.. So, how long have you guys been together?"

He's fidgeting again. This dude seriously can't keep still.

"We're not exactly. We're not um... We're not together. We're just kind of..." Obsessed with each other? "Dating."

His face turns up in a small grin.

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