✿ The Ceremony Began ✿

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(AN: sorry if the POV'S are messed up I mixed it with first and second person)

First person
"5 years down the drain Rafe! For what, her!?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. Rafe looked down and nodded his head. 'I'm sorry y/n' he thought in his head. "I'm in love with her" he says in a low voice and I feel my heart crumble into pieces.

"You p-promised Rafe" I choke out. I picked up a small box with a ring inside, a customized one. "I hope she's worth it" I whisper and walk out vigorously wiping my tears away.

Second Person
"You did well. You're just like me Rafe, Understand that sacrifices must be made when taking over a company." Ward says to Rafe patting his shoulder with a smirk on his face. Rafe looks up at him with red puffy eyes "I'll never be like you" he spat.

4 years later

Rafe was now waiting for his fiancé while fidgeting with something in his hand. "Are they here?" Rafe asks turning to Topper. "Your fiancé?" Rafe nods. "She's in the back" Topper says with a bright smile excited for his best friends wedding. Rafe looks down and places the ring in his pocket. "You ready?" Topper asks but Rafe stays silent. He wanted to run, run from everything.

Rafe's eyes grew watery, he tries wiping his tears away but they don't stop. He sighs and looks up only to see the same person he saw four years ago, you. He wanted to run into your arms and tell you everything would be okay, but life isn't always fair. He wanted to explain himself, but he couldn't. And so, the lights went dim.

And the ceremony began.

Rafe Cameron Imagines<3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang