✿ Obsessed ✿

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Rafe Cameron, my ex boyfriend. Is absolutely obsessed with me, I can't go anywhere without Rafe being there and at first I just laughed about it to my friends but now we're all concerned. I'll see him behind bushes or sometimes I'll be walking and feel eyes on me.

It started when I found out Rafe killed peterkin, I was absolutely mortified so I broke up with him. I promised not to tell anyone for my safety because he threatened to kill me if I did. I didn't believe him at first but now I do believe he would kill me.

When I broke up with him he screamed at me and threw things he was a complete maniac so I ran out and haven't spoken to him since, until tonight. I was at a party with my friends and I was really having a blast. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and was about to open the door until it opened and someone dragged me inside. I tried to scream (but my head was underwater) but someone had their hand covering my mouth. "Shh, I got you" I widened my eyes instantly knowing that voice. They let me go and I instantly turn around to see Rafe.

He smiles at the sight of me and looks me up and down. "What are you doing here you psycho" he pinches the bridge of his nose "I was invited" I scoff "this is a pogue only party you dingus" he shrugs and looks down. I start to examine him and notice his hair is all messy and he has major eye bags and his eyes are bloodshot like he's been crying. I notice his sniffling and can't help but ask "Are you doing coke again Rafe?"

He looks back up at me "Um y-yeah, yeah I am it helps get you out of my head" I soften at his words and sigh "Rafe you need to move on it's been 3 months since the breakup and you shouldn't be here it's dangerous, all the pogues will rat out your location" he sniffs again and puts his fingers to his head "I'm a proactive type of person okay y/n!?" He says starting to get aggressive.

I feel my breathing starting to quicken "Rafe you need to leave, and stop following me everywhere!" He only comes closer and I back up. He caresses my face and I flinch "Tell me pretty little lies I'll be yours and you'll be mine" I widen my eyes at his words and run towards the door but he stands infront of the door before I could grab the handle.

"Rafe let me out you're going crazy!" I look at him and see his glossy eyes "No, I love you and I'm not letting you leave me" I scoff "You don't threaten to murder someone if you love them" he tsks at my words and walks around me and whispers in my ear "The voices are telling me to kill you right now" I shutter in fear and my eyes follow him as he walks around me. "Are you scared of me princess" I feel his breathing on my neck and close my eyes in fear "N-no"

Rafe chuckles maniacally and I feel tears coming out of my eyes thinking this is it. I turn around to see him sitting on the toilet muttering something to himself and biting his nails. I turn around slowly and look at the handle, Rafe notices and also looks at the handle. I look back at him and he shakes his head, I dash to the door and hear his loud feet dash towards me. I run out to the back door and hear Rafe yell "I will break your fucking spine!" I feel my heart coming out of my chest and my breathing quickening.

I've never ran faster in my life, I finally make it towards my house and sprint towards the door and notice it's locked. I pull at the handle and bang on the door "Help!" I keep screaming and turn around to see Rafe getting closer. I start sobbing and scream louder "Open the door please!" Somebody finally opens the door and I collapse in their arms. "Lock it!" I yell and I hear the lock. I look up and see my mom "What's wrong are you okay?"

I shake my head and gulp "N-no Rafe chased me down here" my mom widens her eyes. I told my mom everything about the breakup and how I feel like he's been stalking me, the only thing she doesn't know is that he's killed peterkin. She rubs my back "I've got you, I'm going to call the police" I shake my head "no mom you don't understand he needs help!" She furrows her eyebrows.

"He told me that he has voices in his head that tells him to do things" my mom looks down and I wonder what she's thinking. "Mom?" She looks up "oh sorry I was just thinking" I nod and look down "M-mom" I say my voice cracking. "Yes sweetie?" I feel my hands starting to shake wondering what Rafe will do if I tell my mom the truth. "Rafe killed peterkin, that's why I broke up with him, not because he cheated on me" I look down and I hear my mom gasp.

"Are you kidding we need to tell the police John B is in prison for this!" I nod "I'm sorry" she shakes her head but kisses my forehead and walks towards the house phone. I hear my phone ping and see the word Don't sent by a unknown number. I block the number and put my phone back in my pocket. "Hi, yes I would like to report a murder" I feel myself start to cry again knowing I'm so stupid for still loving a murderer, but I need to do what's right, for John B.

Rafe Cameron needs to go to jail for what he did.

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