✿ Riot ✿

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(AN: I know most of you would never do this or say this about pogues but please just go along with it for the imagine<3)

I was currently at the famous bonfire with Kelce, Sarah, Topper, and my very hot boyfriend Rafe motherfucking Cameron. We were all laughing and just really having a good time. Until the dirty pogues had to show up and ruin everybody's time like they always do. Can't believe Kiara hangs out with them. We used to be best friends until I found out she was hanging out with them, I asked her to choose between me or them and she chose them. I was crushed but eventually moved on.

I went to get more beer for Rafe and I but when I came back I saw Topper and John B fighting. I gasp and drop the beers and run to topper to try and get him off but he pushed me away. I roll my eyes and notice Kiara run on top of topper. "Oh hell no" I say and run at Kiara. I grab her and aggressively throw her off of Topper and she falls on the ground.

"What the fuck y/n!?" I glare at her "Don't jump in bitch" she scoffs and gets up and slaps me across the face. My head flys to the side and I slowly look back at her and chuckle. "Let's start a riot!" She widens her eyes and I tackle her to the ground. I hear screaming and yelling and punches being thrown in every direction. I look behind me and see Rafe punching JJ. I smile at him and he winks. I turn my attention back to Kiara and start relentlessly punching her pouring my anger and sadness into them for what she put me through. I stop punching when I realize Kiara is knocked out cold.

I get up off of her and dust myself off and smile. I walk towards Rafe and see JJ is also knocked out cold. He looks at me and his face softens and he opens his arms. I walk into them and he wraps his arms around me. He whispers in my ear "that was really hot" I chuckle and kiss his cheek. I look around and see people still punching each other and girls screaming and crying.

We started a riot.

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