✿ For Keeps ✿

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(AN: This imagine is inspired by the movie For Keeps, it's a really great romance and sad movie and it's so underrated, go watch it🤪)

I had just found out my boyfriend Rafe Cameron got accepted into his dream college, Harvard, but the only problem is, we have a baby. We are both 17 years old and found out about 3 months ago we were having a baby, I decided I wanted to keep the baby and Rafe agreed and supported me throughout my entire pregnancy.

Our parents weren't happy with the decision at all and Rafe ended up getting kicked out, my parents didn't kick me out they were actually very helpful after the baby was born and helped us through a lot. We ended up buying an apartment together, we both had jobs but they weren't great, we were lacking in money and couldn't pay rent anymore so my parents offered us to stay at their house.

Rafe told me he isn't going to Harvard because he wants to stay with me and the baby, I get why he did that but I can't let him pass up on an opportunity like that, which is why I called back Harvard for him and asked if his spot was still open, fortunately it was and I got his spot back, I didn't tell him I did that because I knew if I did he would protest.

He came home from work with a beer bottle in his hand per usual and was drunk, I was folding laundry and feeding the baby all at once, "Rafe can you please put a shirt on" Rafe rolls his eyes "okay mom" I scoff and continue the laundry and tear up about thinking about the words I'm about to have to say, "Rafe we need a break, this isn't working right now." Rafe just chuckles "we're fine" I slam the clothes down on the table "Rafe leave this house now"

Rafe finally looks up at me "what do you mean leave y/n?" I point to the door "leave!" I say and get up from my chair heading towards my room, I sit down on the stairs and eavesdrop. "I think you better leave" I hear my mom say to Rafe and I hear the door open and close. I start breaking down on the stairs and my mom hugs me and comforts me.

7 hours later

"Y/n please open the door!" Rafe says at the front door banging on it. My mom and I sit on the couch in the living room, my mom rolls her eyes and I bite my nails anxiously tearing up. "Y/n I'm so fucking sorry!" I look down and my mom scoffs. "Please y/n we have a child together!" I go to stand up "I'm going to go talk to him" my mom grabs my arm "no you aren't sit down." I sigh and sit back down and Rafe continues screaming "I'm calling the cops" my mom says and I sigh "just make sure they let him out before his flight." My mom rolls her eyes and calls 911 and I break down again.

2 days later

I just graduated from night school and I'm celebrating at the school with my daughter, parents, and my best friend Faith. We're about to leave until I hear someone yell my name, I turn around to see Rafe in a baby blue suit and I widen my eyes and walk towards the exit. "Excuse me!" I hear Rafe yell pushing through the crowd to get to me.

My mom opens the car door for me as I'm holding my daughter and Rafe catches up to us and leans against the car. "I'm sorry I was late angel, but I have to tell you something" my mom starts driving slowly and he walks along with the car handing me papers. "I got you into a college for journalism just like you wanted and same college for me but architecture just like I wanted!" I widen my eyes at him "but I called Harvard they're holding your place!" I yell at him.

He widens his eyes but a grin makes its way onto his face. "That's why you kicked me out, you wanted me to go to Harvard!" I place my hand on my forehead and sigh and my mom starts speeding up. "You still love me don't you y/n!" I hear Rafe say and I start crying. My mom looks at me with a sympathetic look "he must really love you y/n" I look up at her and give a faint smile and nod.

"You should go back for him, you need him and he needs you." I smile at her and nod excitedly. She smiles and turns around and starts driving back to the school. We arrive and I jump out the car "Rafe!" I scream and don't get an answer, "Rafe!?" Silence. I lean down on the pavement holding onto our daughter, Thea. Thea starts crying along with me until I hear a car pull up. "Y/n!" I jump up and see Rafe in his car and he jumps out of it.

"Rafe!" I say and he runs towards me and wraps his arms around me tightly. "Omg Rafe I'm so sorry" he smiles "Its okay y/n I understand why you did it, but now we can go to college together." I smile at him "what about Thea?" "My parents actually agreed to help take care of her along with your parents" I jump up and down "that's great Rafe." He kisses Thea's forehead and mine and he puts his arm around my shoulder and I hold his hand.

"You know when this kids a teenager they're gonna have a curfew" I laugh at Rafe and he says "10:00" I smile at him and look at Thea and say "11:00 if they're really in love." Rafe scoffs jokingly and says "9:00 if they're really in love."

I laugh at his words "I love you Rafe"  "I love you angel"

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