✿ Stay ✿

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(AN: I may or may not have cried making this🥲)

Hi my name is y/n and I've had a heart disease for about a year now, it's been hard to breath and I can't run or workout anymore as it might give me a heart attack, many things could that's why I'm always inside and never leave the house, because I'm scared.

My doctors have been looking for a heart transplant that fits my health to save me, the wrong heart could actually kill me that's why it's taken a very long time, Until now. "Hi this is Mrs.Walsh from OuterBanks hospital this is y/n y/l/n right?" Someone says through the phone. "Yes this is she" I respond. "I have very exciting news for you, we found a heart that can save your life!"

I widen my eyes and feel tears come out of my eyes, is this really happening right now. "O-oh my god thank you so much!" I yell excitedly and I hear the woman laugh "no problem nurse Milley will email you all the details of the surgery congratulations y/n!" I smile super big and thank her and hang up.

I jump up from my bed and Dial my boyfriend Rafe's number, Rafe has supported me throughout my entire problem and he actually makes life worth living, I can't imagine his reaction when I tell him theres a possibility we can get married, have kids, and grow old together just like we've always wanted.

"Hello?" Rafe says over the phone and just hearing his voice gives me butterflies. "Rafe you need to come over right now I have amazing news!" I hear Rafe chuckle and he agrees and hangs up. I place my phone down and jump up and down, I'm in utter shock right now.

A few minutes later I hear the doorbell ring and I run out of my room to open the front door, to my surprise I see Rafe. I instantly hug him and he hugs back "woah why are you so excited angel?" He questions with a laugh.

I pull away and grin at him "come inside and sit on the couch" he looks at me suspiciously but nonetheless sits on the couch and looks at me with a grin waiting for me to tell him the news.

I close the front door and turn towards him clapping my hands together "so I got a call today from the nurse" he nods, "She told me she found a heart Rafe!" I say with a giant grin. Rafe's eyes light up and he instantly pulls me into a tight hug. "That's so great angel I'm so happy for you!" I smile and I pull away and he has tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying love?" I ask and he sniffs "I'm just so happy for you" I smile and thank him and tell him when the surgery is and we celebrate with my friends and family at Olive Garden.

2 days later

I sit in my hospital bed shaking with nerves waiting for my surgeon to put me to sleep and start my big surgery. Rafe is sitting next to me holding my hand. "Take good care of me after surgery Rafe" I say and he looks down. I furrow my eyebrows "what's wrong" he looks back up at me and smiles "nothing, I'll take good care of you." I smile and caress his cheek "Promise me after this well get married, have kids, and grow old together just like we've always wanted."

Rafe puts his hand over my hand caressing his cheek and smiles with tears in his eyes "I promise." Just then the surgeon walks in and gets ready to put me to sleep. "I love you" I whisper to Rafe "I love you more angel" I smile and the surgeon asks if I'm ready, I nod and he puts me to sleep.

3 hours later

I wake up slowly opening my eyes getting used to the light and look over my bed to see my parents. I smile and they look at me with tears in their eyes "I'm so proud of you honey" my dad says and my mom nods. "Where's R-Rafe?" I manage to choke out. My mom looks at my dad and sighs and my dad hands me a letter "well give you some space" he says and walks out hand in hand with my mom.

I furrow my eyebrows and open the letter

Dear y/n,
If you're reading this, this must mean you're done with surgery and unfortunately means I'm gone. You may be wondering what I mean by that, the nurse called me a few days ago and told me I had the heart that could save your life, I knew that if I did this it would hurt you, but it would save your life and that's all that matters to me. I know we had so many plans but you can do that with someone else, I don't want you to spend your life thinking it's your fault I died because it's not, you showed me what love felt like and I wouldn't want to fall in love with anyone else. Please move on and live the life you wanted, I love you so much angel. Have a good life, I'll be waiting for you in heaven.

I gasp and cover my mouth trying to contain my sobs and screams but I just can't. "Stay!" I scream holding the letter to my heart and my parents run in trying to comfort me and I sob holding onto them.

He promised.

Rafe Cameron Imagines<3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora