✿ You Owe Me ✿

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My best friend Rafe and I have a very complicated friendship. 

It's very obvious we both have feelings for each other and we both know about these feelings but we decided to ignore them because we don't want to ruin our 12 year friendship. 

We really don't have any friends besides each other and if we lose one another we would be crushed. 

I started gaining feelings for Rafe when I was 13 but started to fall in love with him at 17, were both 19 at the moment.

So that leads me to now.  Rafe and I are currently at the mall together buying clothes, accessories, food etc. 

We spent about 2 hours in there and decided it's time to go but it's pouring and we both don't know what to do. 

"Why don't we just make a run for it?" Rafe says and I chuckle in disbelief

"Are you serious? I love this shirt" I say and Rafe just shakes his head.

"Come on y/n please I don't want to sit here all day waiting for the rain to slow down."

I sigh and nod "fine" I say and Rafe smiles and walks to the exit but not before stopping making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" I say.

"I bet I could beat you to the car." Rafe challenged.

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, smirking at him with disbelief.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically, "Want to put your money where your mouth is hot shot?" I antagonized.

"I don't have any money" he lies. I shake my head but smirk knowing he has plenty of money he just knows I'll win.

"Ok fine, but you owe me something if I win."

"And if I win?" He asked.

"You get the satisfaction of knowing you beat the one and only y/n y/l/n." I replied putting my hand on my chest.

"Oh no no, if I win, you owe me something." He smirked.

"Ugh fine." I said knowing I was going to cave no matter what he said.

"Alright, on 3." He stated, looking at me.



"3!" He yelled, sprinting towards the car.

I kept his pace for about half the distance. I started gaining on him, I pumped my legs faster to increase my distance.

But the only thing the extra pumping did was land me a spot on the wet floor, face down.

I fell, arms falling ungracefully. I attempted to put them in front of me to avoid the possibility of my face taking the brunt of the fall.

My plan didn't work and I ended up knocking my head on the floor. It wasn't bad but it certainly hurt.

I groaned and looked up to Rafe, he had just reached the car and turned, smiling wide.

He saw my state and his delighted face quickly turned to one of worry and distress. He ran over to me and got to his knees, trying to help me up.

"Are you okay? This is all my fault, I never should have made you do this." He said, clearly upset.

"Rafe, I'm fine I just took a small stumble. And I agreed to this, you didn't make me do anything." I smiled, trying to reassure him.

He smiled back at me and helped me to my feet.

His hands stayed glued to my waist, trying to stabilize me.

He looked me in the eyes, not caring that we were getting completely soaked in the rain.

"I still won you know." He smirked.

I laughed.

"Only by default, I would have won if it wasn't raining."

"Excuses excuses." He joked.

I raised my eyebrows in a challenging way, I tried to look intimidating but I ended up laughing instead.

"You still owe me something." He stated.

"Oh really? And what do I owe you?" I inquired.

"This." He replied as he collided his lips with mine.

I don't know what made me respond to the kiss, perhaps it was the whole hitting my head ordeal.

At least that's what I keep telling my self.

That I was enjoying kissing him only because I was possibly concussed and not because I was completely infatuated with him.

I temporarily ignored the torrential downpour soaking us to the bone and focused on Rafe.

The kiss was passionate and romantic.

His hands were still glued to my waist from when he tried to stabilize me from my fall.

His thumbs rubbed rhythmical circles into my waist, spurring me to intensify the kiss.

He responded to the new ferocity, titling his head to get a better angle.

He quickly pulled me closer to him by my waist.

The sudden movement surprised me, earning a gasp from me.

He used it to his advantage and began exploring my mouth with his tongue.

Had the rain not been pouring on me, I think I might have combusted into flames right then and there.

Not wanted this to go farther than it needed to, I pulled away, panting heavily.

I looked him in the eyes smiling slightly.

I laid my head on his chest, which was going up and down erratically from his heavy breathing.

He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him again.

"We'll talk about this later." He said.

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