✿ Really? ✿

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(Rafe's POV)

Today is my girlfriend y/n and I's 8 month anniversary today. I got her a ring with our initials on it and I really think she'll love it. She makes me so happy and I couldn't be more grateful to have her in my life, I love her with all my heart. I text her to tell her I'm on my way but she doesn't answer which is odd, she always does.

I just shrug it off and hop in my car and drive to her house.

I arrive 15 minutes later and get out with the ring in my hand and walk up to her front door. I knock two times and hear no answer and the door doesn't open. I knock one more time and again no answer or indication that someone's home. I furrow my eyebrows and look towards the driveway to see her car parked. I go to open the door knowing it's most likely gonna be locked but it isn't and opens.

I walk in and see shoes scattered around the floor and I walk upstairs towards her room. I see her door open and walk slowly to it. I hear laughing and I begin to get nervous and peak through the door and feel my heart rip into pieces. I see y/n, my y/n kissing a boy. I slam the door open and they immediately break apart. I feel tears come out my eyes.

The boy looks at me with fear on his face. I feel like throwing up just by looking at this bitch. I look over at y/n and I'm shocked, she's standing there with a proud smirk not fazed at all that I caught her cheating on me. "Look man it's not what-" the guy tries to explain but I cut him off "you better leave or else I'll beat your face in" I say pointing to the door and he hurry's out.

I look back over at y/n and she scoffs. "Why are you scoffing?" I say the tears now flowing down my face. "He was fun, I wanted him to stay." She says grabbing her phone. I feel my heart drop to my stomach, did she just say she wanted him to stay? "Y/n, w-what's up with you why are you acting like this?" I choke out. She just chuckles and looks up at me "Did you really think I love you?"

I feel like she took my heart and squeezed it then stepped on it, she doesn't love me?

"B-but I love you, you said you loved me!" I yell and she just shrugs looking back at her phone "you were a dare Rafe, and now that it's been 8 months I don't have to deal with your sensitive ass anymore." I sob and she rolls her eyes "it's our anniversary how could you do this to me?" She gets up and walks towards me and caresses my cheek "you're just not good enough for me Rafey" she says.

I stand there speechless and she removes her hand from my cheek "now get out of my house JJ is coming over in a few." She says and goes into her bathroom in her room. I watch her walk in and feel my legs go weak. I look down at the ring in my hand and run out the house before she starts to hear me sob.

She really never loved me.

Rafe Cameron Imagines<3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat