✿ HeartBeat ✿

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A few weeks ago my boyfriend Rafe Cameron reunited with his childhood friend Evelyn and at first I was so happy for him but now it's becoming weird.  He's always going to her house and being dry to me.

"Hey babe!" My thoughts get interrupted as I look over to see Rafe sit down on the couch next to me. I give him a slight smile "hey, what movie you wanna watch today?"

"Oh sorry we have to postpone movie night I'm going to Evelyn's house tonight" I look down, of course.  He kisses my forehead and walks out. I sigh and turn on Netflix scrolling through some shows, I choose the vampire diaries and lay back tears falling out of my eyes.

5 hours go by and I start to worry and call Rafe. "Hey babe what's up?" "It's been 5 hours come home it's late." I hear shuffling in the background "Rafey come back to bed!" I stiffen in shock, is he cheating? "Y/n it's not what it sounds like-" I chuckle in disbelief "whatever, I'm done with this we're done." I say and hang up not even letting him respond.

I pack up all my stuff and call the motel asking if there's another room for me, I'm gonna stay there for 24 hours until I can get all my stuff back to my parents house.  I ignore all Rafe's calls since he's spamming me and walk out the door heading to the motel.

Rafe's POV

As y/n hangs up I begin to panic. Fuck. I tell Evelyn I gotta go and drive as quick as I can to my house.  I arrive and slam the car door shut running into my room. All of her stuff is gone, my heart drops and I start to sweat as I run into the bathroom noticing everything in here is gone as well except for my stuff. I sit down on my bed head in my hands.

I realize I should just check her location and find her and apologize, I need her.  It says she's at a motel nearby and I run in my car driving to the motel. 

I run out my car knocking on literally every door, I don't care I need to find her. I knock on one last door and her beautiful face opens it. She widens her eyes at the sight of me and goes to close the door until I stop it with my foot. "Angel I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let her come between our relationship like that and I promise I'll never do that again." She sighs and looks down "did you guys do anything?"

"No of course not!" I answer truthfully, kinda hurts that she thinks I would cheat but I understand. "Please forgive me y/n/n I can't live without you." I say and grab her hands slight tears falling down my eyes.  She smiles and intertwines our fingers "I forgive you but if something like this happens again I won't be as nice" I chuckle and nod "of course anything for you my love"

She makes my heart beat.

(AN: Wow Leah making a happy ending?)

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