✿ Kidnapped ✿

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"So you're really leaving for good?" Kiara asks me with tears in her eyes. I wipe them "I need to go to college kie, maybe in a few years if you're all still here I'll come visit" JJ chuckles and I look over at him "you already know John B and I are stuck here" I chuckle and shake my head and open my arms "group hug?" Pope, John B, Sarah, JJ, Kiara, and I all hug with tears in our eyes.

"Man I'm really gonna miss this place" "this place is gonna miss you" I look down and take a deep breath so I don't start sobbing and look dramatic "I love you all so much" we all exchange I love you's and hugs and more tears of course. I grab my bags and wave to all of them and they wave back "Bye y/n, goodluck!" They all yell while waving. I walk towards my car and tell myself not to look back.

I start driving towards the boats and arrive 25 minutes later. I grab my bags and my ticket and walk towards the boats. "Ticket?" I go in my pockets "oh right, uh...here!" I say finding it and hand it to him. The man shakes his head at the wrinkled ticket but grabs it and a man grabs my bags and begins putting it on the boat. "Oh shit I'll be right back!" I say remembering my phone. I dash back towards my car and open my front seat.

I look all over for my phone and can't find it. "Are you serious I swear I left it here" then I feel my heart drop to my stomach "looking for something?" I slowly turn around to see none other than Rafe Cameron. I look over and see him holding my phone with a smirk plastered on his face. "Rafe give it back" I say holding out my hand. He shakes his head "You were gonna leave me without saying anything" I scoff.

"We broke up Rafe, I didn't really think I was obligated to say goodbye to my ex who may I add is also a murderer" he pinches the bridge of his nose "keep your voice down" I shake my head "I'm gonna be late give me my damn phone" Rafe looks down "I can't let you leave me y/n, I'm sorry" I widen my eyes and go to run but he grabs my arm before I can. "Rafe please" he caresses my cheek "I'm sorry" I go to scream but he muffles me with some type of rag and then all of a sudden I'm knocked out, nothing but pitch black.

I wake up and rub my eyes and groan clutching my head, I've got a massive headache. I look over to see Rose sitting with a magazine in her hand and Sarah sleeping on a lounge chair. "What the fuck" Rose looks up at me and smiles "oh good you're awake how do you feel" I scoff "like shit now where am I" rose gets up and grabs me some water and hands it to me "I promise I'll explain everything to you when Sarah wakes up" I look at the water and just place it on the table.

I don't trust them enough to drink anything from them, I look over at Sarah to make sure she's at-least fucking breathing. Sarah then wakes up and looks around frantically, I furrow my eyebrows "y/n, where are we!?" "Wait what!?" Rose sighs "ok you two I'll explain" then ward and Rafe come in. I look over at Rafe and he smiles at me and I roll my eyes "I want to leave" Sarah says and Ward sits down infront of us. "Sarah I brought you here so we could be a family again, but we can't be a family here because of what's happened that's why we're on a boat, we're leaving."

Rafe rolls his eyes and Sarah shakes her head with tears in her eyes "I want to call my friends and tell them I'm okay" I look over at Rafe and see he's already staring at me while biting his nails. "You can I promise, but y/n" I look over at him. "We brought you here for Rafe, he needs you." I scoff "So you kidnapped me!?" Rafe then chims in "I wasn't gonna let you leave me okay!?" I stand up and push him "I have a scholarship asshole!" Rafe looks down in guilt.

Ward then grabs Rafe and they exit the room. Sarah slams her hand on the couch "I can't believe this, we got fucking kidnapped!" I look at her and shrug. She looks at Rose and then gets up pretending to be sick. Rose asks her what's wrong and Sarah says she's feeling sea sick. Rose runs over to a closet filled with medicine and I look over to see the doors still open. Sarah smirks and I smile and we both quietly walk to the door.

We walk towards the bottom of the boat and Sarah sees a walkie talkie. She instantly grabs it "Please help us me and my friend got kidnapped and-" then a man grabs it from her and I go to kick him but he pushes me back. Sarah catches me and glares at the man. "Sorry sir just my daughter playing some prank, have a nice day" he says and smirks at us "Ward will not be happy about this" I shake my head "Great" I mumble and he drags us both to Ward.

"Are you two kidding me!?" Sarah scoffs and I just look at the ocean wanting all of this to be over already "You kidnapped me, you think I wanna stay here!?" Ward grabs her shoulders "you're still 17 I'm allowed to bring you wherever I want!" "Y/n isn't your daughter so that's kidnapping!" Ward shakes his head "We did it for Rafe" Sarah chuckles in disbelief "Oh Rafe this Rafe that, he's a fucking murderer" Ward then gets angry and starts choking Sarah.

I run to him and try to pull him off but he's to strong and pushes me back, I start to panic "Someone help!" I get back up and try to get him off but he's just to strong for me. Then all of a sudden I hear "get off of her!" I look over and see John B. "John B!?" John B then pushes Ward off and Sarah falls into my arms. I catch her and kneel down and hold her while she tries to catch her breath and starts coughing.

I rub her back while John B and Ward fight then all of a sudden Ward hits his head on the boat and I hear John B say "this is how you killed my father" I see John B look at Sarah asking her for permission and I look down to see Sarah slowly nod. I widen my eyes and look down not wanting to see that. Then I hear a sigh and open my eyes to see Ward still there "I'm not gonna do it let's just go!" John B grabs Sarah and I follow him towards some part of the boat. He opens some little door and helps us inside. I get in and drop in someone's arms, I look up to see JJ. "Omg JJ!?" He smiles and ruffles up my hair "heyyy" I chuckle and look over to see Kiara and Pope as well. I hug them all.

"What are you guys doing here?" "We came to save you and Sarah" I chuckle "you guys are putting yourself in so much danger" they all chuckle "we would do anything for you guys" John B then gives us a plan and we all separate. I go with Sarah to get the life boat. (I just realized that Ward chokes Sarah while she gets the life boat so let's just pretend it happens before😭)

She throws the ladder down and I help push the boat down. I then call over John B and him and Sarah hold hands ready to jump. Sarah let's out hers and as I'm about to grab it I feel someone grab my arm "Not so fast my love" I then stumble and accidentally push Sarah and she falls in the water along with John B. I look down "Sarah!" Rafe grabs my chin to make me look at him "Y/n you know I love you right?" I soften at his words, "y/n don't listen to him!" I look down to see John B and Sarah now in the boat.

"I'll take care of you, yeah?" I smile sadly at him "Rafe I really did love you" he looks down "did?" I sigh "I'm sorry but all those feelings washed away after I found out what you did." His face shows nothing but anger and grabs me "I loved you with everything I had!" I push him off of me and fall backwards into the ocean and scream. I land and swim back up to breath. I take a deep breath when I make it up and see Sarah's hand "Come on!" I grab it and both her and John B help me into the boat.

I look up and see Rafe staring at us "y/n please don't leave!" I start to feel bad but shake my head. I look over to see Pope drop the cross and see Rafe run to the rope to stop it from falling. Then Pope jumps in the water and we all help him get in. "Where's JJ and Kiara they should be here by now?" Sarah asks, I start to get worried. John B starts driving the boat and looking around to see any sign of them.

I see an arm and point at it "Look!" John B turns around and we see Kiara struggling to hold onto JJ while he's knocked out "oh my god" I say while we all help them in. Kiara sits next to JJ and holds onto him "come on JJ please wake up" I look at JJ with tears in my eyes, I seriously don't think I could live without my best friend. Then JJ wakes up and coughs out some water. We all sigh of relief and see JJ stare up at Kiara "Hi" Kiara says sweetly. "Sup" JJ says and we all laugh.

"Let's get out of here" Pope says and John B stars driving away. I look behind us to see Rafe staring at us with a gun in his hand, I widen my eyes and shake my head at him. He groans and puts the gun down and I look down and slightly smile.

Maybe one day Rafe will change.

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