✿ In Love ✿

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I've loved Rafe for many years now.  After meeting him for the first time in 3rd grade I knew he was the one.  After years of secretly crushing on him I finally decided to ask him out.  I smile to myself with tons of butterflies swarming in my stomach as I walk out my house.

A few minutes later I arrive at Rafe's house and knock, Rafe's sister Sarah let's me in and smiles "hey y/n what brings you here?" She says. I smile back "I need to talk to Rafe is he home?" Sarah smirks at my comment knowing I have a crush on him and opens the door "he's in his room" I thank her and walk in when she grabs my arm "are you gonna tell him?" She says.

I just laugh and roll my eyes walking up the steps to Rafe's room. The door is already open so I just walk in.  Although I really wish I didn't.

I feel my heart drop to my stomach at the sight.  Rafe kissing some random girl.  "R-Rafe?" I say and Rafe looks over at me and pulls away from the girl. "Y/n! I didn't know you were coming over, how are you?" He says with a bright smile clueless. The girl just glares at me with a jealous look. "Oh I just wanted to hang out sorry to bother you" I say and run out not letting Rafe respond.

"Y/n wait!" Sarah calls after me but I just ignore it not wanting anyone to see my tears. I drive home and run in my room ignoring my family's questions and slam my head into my pillow. How could I be so stupid to think Rafe would like me?

After I saw Rafe and that girl together I've been avoiding him, whenever I would see him walk up to me I would just turn around to get away from him. It hurt me so much to ignore him but I just couldn't get the imagine of him and her together out of my head. It just made me want to sob all over again.

"You can't ignore him forever you know" kiara my best friend says breaking the silence. I just stare at her and say "yeah. I know. But I just can't stand seeing him knowing he's with that girl, I've loved him since 3rd grade" Kiara grabs my hand in reassurance and says "Then tell him. Who cares if he's with that stupid girl? You'll ruin your friendship with him more if you keep ignoring him"

I sigh thinking about it "but what if he doesn't feel the same?" "Then you move on. You're beautiful y/n you could get any guy you want to be your boyfriend." I smile "fine. I'll tell him first thing tomorrow when I see him"

The next morning I made sure to look good. I paced back and forth at Rafe's locker, I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life. As I fidget with my rings I hear someone clear their throat. Rafe. "Oh Rafe! Can we talk?" Rafe smiles and nods walking to an empty classroom me following behind him.

He turns around and looks at me waiting for me to speak. I sigh and say "look I know I've been ignoring you and I'm sorry for that but I just hate seeing you with that girl everyday.. I like you okay? I've liked you since 3rd grade but I've just been to shy and now I'm to late because your with her and-"

"Y/n" he interrupted. I look over at him "yeah?" I respond out of breath. "I understand why you would ignore me but.." and then he just stops. I furrow my eyebrows "but..?" Rafe looks down "I just don't feel the same" I feel my heart shatter. I felt tears forming, I need to get out of here. "Oh" is all I manage to say before running out ignoring Rafe calling my name.

I was only falling in love.

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