✿ I'm Sorry ✿

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My boyfriend and I Rafe Cameron have been arguing everyday for the past 4 days, he always comes home late and never wants to hang out with me at this point we're drifting.

"What's going on Rafe? We barely spend time together anymore" I say throwing my arms along my side. Rafe just rolls his eyes "y/n stop being so clingy I don't have to spend every minute of my day with you!" He yells at me.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask stepping closer to him and he backs away from me. "Because I don't love you anymore" I feel my heart drop. "I never loved you" he adds. Tears start to form in my eyes "Wow okay.." I say stepping back from him.

"You should've thought about that before you asked me to be your girlfriend" I slowly say trying to find my car keys. "Why can't you understand it was a mistake I will never love you!"
(Corpse Bride😩)

I stare at him in shock but furrow my eyebrows when I see tears forming in his eyes. Why is he crying, I should be the one crying, not him. I just scoff and grab my coat and walk towards the front door.

"Where are you going" Rafe asks. I sigh and keep my eyes towards the door not being able to look at him. "We're done...goodbye Rafe." I say and open the door and walk out not letting him say another word. Rafe doesn't chase me, he just stands outside the door letting me leave.

Did he really not love me? Do I not mean anything to him? 2 years together and he says he doesn't love me. What a waste. I get into my car sobbing now and start driving. My tears making it hard for me to see. As I'm driving it's been 15 minutes and my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and see it's Rafe.

I scoff and throw my phone to the passenger seat. I'm mad but mostly sad that the love of my life doesn't love me. My phone keeps ringing, I try to reach for it when I see bright light coming from the side of my car getting closer and next thing I know.

My car is flipping in circles as my head hits the window causing it to shatter, everything slowly becomes blurry.

Rafe's POV

Why won't she answer my calls? I regret saying that to her I was just so mad. I love her with every bone in my body, she saved me, and I told her I didn't love her. I'm a monster. I sit on the couch biting my nails hoping that she'll call me or text me. I hear my phone ring and instantly grab it and furrow my eyebrows seeing y/n's moms name on my phone. I accept the call "hello?"

"R-Rafe" I hear her say frantically. "Yes?" I nervously say. "Y/n got into a big car accident she's at the hospital now, they said she might not..m-make it" she says sobbing over the phone. I feel my body tense up and my heart drop. This is all my fault, she wouldn't have left and gotten into the car if I hadn't had said that. "Which hospital?" I say with tears in my eyes frantically looking for my car keys. "Outer banks Hospital please come quick" I hang up and run to my car.

I make it to the hospital 10 minutes later and run inside seeing y/n's mom and dad sitting on the lobby chairs sobbing. I run to them "is she okay?" They instantly look up at me. Her mom tries to speak but nothing comes out, she just sobs. Her dad notices and strokes her back speaking for her. "We don't know yet, we haven't gotten an update." I nod shaking and slowly walk to the seat next to them.

I nervously bite my nails waiting for the doctors. If she dies it's all my fault, I can't live without her. 25 minutes later a doctor walks in and we all jump out of our seat staring at him waiting for him to give us news. He looks down "I'm sorry.." I widen my eyes and look over to see y/n's mom fall to the floor sobbing and her dad crying while trying to comfort her mom.

"What was she even doing driving at 2 am!?" My father yells at the doctor. "Apparently her and her boyfriend got into a massive fight and she left his house then got into the car accident" I look down and both her parents stare at me in shock. "This is your fault!" Her mom screams at me. I nod with tears in my eyes knowing it's true. "How dare you come in here fooling us thinking you were right for her!" Her dad also yells at me.

I don't say anything knowing everything they're saying is true, the only words I can get to come out of my mouth is

"I'm sorry"

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