✿ I did it for love ✿

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I always knew Rafe killed sheriff Peterkin but I always pretended to be clueless and say John B did it.  I know that makes me a terrible person but I love Rafe with all my heart and I don't have the guts to leave him, especially not now he's going through so much and he needs me just like I need him.

Somehow the word got out and the Pogues found proof of Rafe killing peterkin.  I couldn't have been more devastated when I found out.  That's when eventually everyone figured out I was protecting Rafe because I didn't leave him after I found out.  Rafe and I are now wanted and running from the cops.

"Rafe I can't-I can't run anymore!" I say out of breath letting go of his hand and wiping my hand on my shirt because of how sweaty it is.  "Angel we can't give up"  Rafe says looking at me and grabs my hand again running to a cliff. "Rafe it's a dead end!" I say and feel tears come out of my eyes, I don't want to get arrested.  "Y/n look at me" I look at him and he grasps my cheek and kisses my forehead.  "Put your hands where we can see them!" An officer yells at us.

I feel myself start to slip "Angel back up!" Rafe yells noticing I'm starting to slip.  "Rafe!" I yell out before I fall off the cliff but not before Rafe grabs my hand.  "I got you hang on!" I look down and shutter at the long drop.  "Rafe.." I say and Rafe shakes his head "I'm not letting you die" Rafe says with glossy eyes and I smile at him "It's ok Rafe." "No I'm not letting go!"

Our hands start to get sweaty as the cops just stand there in shock watching the scene in-front of them.  Rafe pulls me up and I gasp feeling myself start to go up.  Rafe yanks my arm and throws me up onto the cliff.  I sigh in relief "Rafe you have no idea how-" I look over to see Rafe now holding on to a branch on the cliff with tears running down his eyes. "Rafe!" I say trying to grab his arm but I can't reach.

"It's ok my love as long as you're safe I couldn't be more happier" Rafe says with a smile and I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.  "Rafe please just hang on!" I look behind me to see the cops all staring at us with their guns aimed at us not doing anything "Somebody help!" I scream and they do absolutely nothing they just continue staring.  "Rafe please I need you" I say in between sobs and Rafe shakes his head "I can't hold on any longer I'm sorry Angel I love you" he says and the branch snaps as Rafe falls down looking at me as I scream hoping in some way this is all a dream but it's not, this is real and I just lost the love of my life.

Whatever I've done, I did it for love.

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