✿ Crush ✿

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As I'm watching my best friend and my crush sit on the bleachers taking pictures and looking happy as ever I can't help but feel jealousy, anger, and sadness all at once.

My two childhood best friends Riley and Rafe Cameron were everything to me. Ever since I was 5 I've had a crush on Rafe, but I never told anyone. Next thing I know Riley comes up to me and tells me they're dating. I hugged her and congratulated her but when I got home I sobbed and screamed into my pillow.

"Hey y/n!" I turn to Rafe snapped out of my thoughts. "See she's mine now" Rafe says looking at me and kissing Riley's cheek. Riley and I would always joke around saying we're dating. I would usually laugh or argue with him jokingly but instead I just looked away and turned my attention towards the football game.

After a few minutes I see Rafe and Riley kissing and laughing and I just can't take it anymore. I grab my backpack and keys and stand up heading towards the exit. "Y/n where you goin?" Rafe asks me with his arm around Riley. I give him a fake smile "just don't feel good bye" Riley waves at me and Rafe looks at me with furrowed eyebrows "wait" I hear Rafe say but I just ignore him and walk to the exit.

I open the door and walk down the dark hall of the school and I hear footsteps behind me. I jump behind me and lift up my fists ready to punch someone. "Yo chill it's just me!" I sigh in relief at the sight of Rafe and drop my fists "what are you doing?" Rafe sighs "you looked upset" I scoff "I have no reason to be, bye Rafe." I say and start walking.

"Y/n please don't leave, you're mad I can tell!" I turn around and groan in annoyance "god Rafe it's not a big deal" he walks towards me "we've been friends for years, you think you can lie to me?" I hear the word friends and look down feeling a sharp pain to the heart. Rafe grabs my chin making me look at him and he notices my tears. He widens his eyes "hey what's wrong y/n/n?"

I push his hand away "I hate this" he furrows his eyebrows "hate what?" I stomp my foot like a child "You and Riley together!" He looks at me shocked "why?" I scoff "Because I love you Rafe, for a long time and seeing you with her everyday crushes me" Rafe widens his eyes "w-what?" I look away from him and shrug "it doesn't matter you love Riley." I walk away from him until I feel a hand grab my arm and spin me around.

I look up to see Rafe once again and he caresses my cheek "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that" I look at him shocked as if I heard the wrong thing. He leans forward and smashes our lips together. I instantly kiss back and feel butterflies in my stomach. I pull away "Why did you date Riley in the first place?" Rafe looks at me in awe "I act like I don't fucking care, cause I'm so fucking scared, but I'm only a fool for you!" I lean in this time and so does he until we hear a voice. "R-Rafe?"  We both jump and we turn around to see Riley.

"Oh my god Riley?" Rafe says in shock. Riley stands there with tears in her eyes "I came to make sure you guys were okay but seems to me you guys are perfectly fine" Rafe walks towards her and apologizes. She scoffs "Look me in the face, tell me that you love me!" Rafe looks down and says "Even if it's fake?" I gasp at his words and Riley tries to contain her sobs. "So this whole relationship was fake?"

I see Rafe nod and I look at Riley in guilt and she makes eye contact with me. "You're both dead to me!" She yells pointing at us and walks away. I start crying knowing I just lost my best friend who has helped me through everything. I look at Rafe and he hugs me trying to comfort me.

Who do I choose, my best friend..or my true love?

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