✿ Game On ✿

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(AN: this is inspired by a random imagine I saw on tiktok but I can't find it anymore🥲)

My best friend and I Rafe Cameron have a very complicated relationship. He always has repetitive flings while I have on and off relationships. At lunch my entire friend group and I including Rafe and his new fling were all sitting together. His tongue shoved down her throat.

"Get a room" my friend Aurelia says rolling her eyes at their public affection, I couldn't agree with her more. It was mainly his little fling causing it, she's the most clingiest person he's been with so far. Every time his attention is aimed at something besides her she'll try to get his attention in anyway possible and make out with him.

I look up also disgusted at the sight. He breaks the kiss wiping his lip with his thumb before locking eyes with me. I roll my eyes and he tilts his head smirking knowing he's got me jealous. "What?" He mouths at me. I just scoff and look down at my phone not wanting to give him anymore of my attention.

"Whats up with you?" His text message pops up and I roll my eyes once again swiping the message away. "Y/n, stop ignoring me." Another text from him pops up, another swipe. "You're being immature, stop swiping away my messages" he texts again, swipe. "Fuck off" I whisper under my breath but purposely making it loud enough for Rafe to hear.

I hear a scoff come from his direction, "whatever" he whispers back to me tossing his phone on the table beside him. I look up towards him again just to see he's kissing her again and my gut sinks once again. Rafe shifts his eyes to me without breaking their kiss and I stare at him with a cold glare, I know he's doing this on purpose.

"I've lost my appetite" I say to my friends and get up excusing myself from the lunch table. I throw my tray in the trash fuming. I look back over to the table and there he was staring right back at me. A smirk plastered on his face knowing he's got me frustrated. He looks back down to his phone and starts typing and I hear my phone ding and I look down at my phone.

"You asked for this" he texts looking past his screen to me waiting for my reaction. I furrow my eyebrows scoffing and angrily type a response back. "Getting with any girl in sight isn't what I asked for you asshole" I type back satisfied by my response.

I look past my screen waiting for his reaction this time and he glared at the screen his jaw clenching. "You aren't so innocent either" he instantly texts back and I know exactly what he's referring to, my on and off relationship with my ex boyfriend JJ Maybank, He was always jealous of our relationship. I just scoff and ignore his message tucking my phone back in my pocket.

Just as I'm about to leave the cafeteria I do the first thing that comes to mind, I want revenge. I look up to see Rafe's best friend Topper and make my way towards him and he looks at me furrowing his eyebrows "sorry for this" I whisper pulling him by his shirt to lock my lips with his. I look to the side to see Rafe again and his arms are folded on the table as he watched with a jealous glare.

I smirk through the kiss and place my hand on the side of his cheek before detaching my lips from his. "W-what was that for?" Topper says with red cheeks clearly flustered by my actions. "Don't worry about it buddy" I say and pat his shoulder and walk out the cafeteria doors. "Wait what!?" I hear topper say but I just ignore it and continue to walk out with a smirk on my face. I hear my phone ding and I grab it from my pocket and see a text from Rafe again.

"Game on."

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