✿ Why'd you only call me when you're high? ✿

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My best friend Rafe Cameron has been going down a terrible path lately and it really breaks my heart.  He's always going to party's and getting high everyday.  Everyday isn't even an exaggeration he's legit going to party's everyday.  He went to one tonight he called me a few minutes ago telling me he was going and I tried to convince him not to go but of course like usual it didn't work.

I never like when he gets high because when he does he calls me or texts me stupid shit that sometimes I don't understand and need it translated from my brother since he's texted people high before so he knows what it's like.  I'm just really hoping he doesn't text me or call me again tonight because every time he does I have pick him up and take him home.

I decide to go on my couch and just watch Coraline before I go to bed since it's already 12 am.  A few hours later I hear my phone ding and I furrow my eyebrows grabbing my phone.

Y/nnnn how is u

                                         Rafe are you high?

No I not hoe

                                   I'm bringing you home.


I roll my eyes and shove my phone in my pocket and grab my car keys telling my brother where I'm going and he just nods not even surprised anymore.  Before I can walk out the door I hear my phone vibrate.  I take it out and see Rafe's calling me.  I sigh and accept the call and put the phone up to my ear.  "Yes Rafe?"
"H-hey y/n" he says stuttering and I shake my head. "I'm coming now" I hear Rafe chuckle and I furrow my eyebrows "I l-love you y/n"
"Yeah I love you too Rafe"

"No y/n I love love y-you like I'm in l-love w-with you"

I feel my heart flutter and my cheeks go red.  Did he just say he's in love with me? I can't help the grin that makes way on my face but it drops as soon as I remember.. he's high.  He doesn't even know what he's saying.  I feel a tear roll down my cheek "Don't say things you don't mean Rafe." 

"B-but I do!" I hear Rafe chuckle again and it makes my heart break.  He thinks this is funny.  I tell him I'm on my way because I'm sick of his shit and hang up and drive to the party.  I see Rafe on the house steps with his head in his knees and I shake my head.  I open the car door and walk up to Rafe.  "Rafe let's go" I say coldly and Rafe looks up at me and I have to help him up.  Rafe just stares at me as I help him get into the car.

As I'm driving him home I can't help but think about what he said.  I've been in love with Rafe for years..but he's high and probably drunk too and he doesn't know what he's saying.  A few tears roll down my eyes and Rafe's asleep in the back. 

We arrive at his house and I shake him awake because I'm not strong enough to hold him while he's asleep.  "O-okay I'm up m-mom" he says laughing and I just roll my eyes helping him to his room and he plops on his bed.  I put the blankets over his body and a trash can right next to his bed just in case he throws up.  I look at him sadly and shake my head.

"I love you so much Rafe and I wish you loved me back."  I say knowing he's asleep.  I wipe my tears and kiss his forehead and whisper "Why'd you only call me when you're high?"  I walk out his room and head home with a broken heart.  But little did I know,

Rafe was awake the whole time.

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