chapter 64

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Russell; what about Arizona? April tell me what the fuck has happened, she didn't come home last night.

April stood there breaking down into more tears.

Russell; April?

Kepner; there was an accident...

Russell; an accident?

Kepner; Owen found her car on its roof but she wasn't inside, he found her in a river, she was barely alive, they are working on her now.

Georgia stumbled back in shock, April was still talking to her but all she could hear was her voice muffled beside the sound of her own heartbeat and deep breathing. Georgia snapped out of her daze and grabbed hold of Aprils scrub top.

Russell; where are they?

Kepner; OR2... (Georgia walked off) Georgia you know you can't go in there...

Georgia, still in shock walked quickly to the OR floor. She got to the area outside of the ORs and put her hair into a scruffy braid before putting on her scrub cap. She could feel her nerves taking over, her hands were shaking and she could feel a constant lump in her throat like she was going to break at any moment. She stood outside of the OR door and took a deep breath before grabbing hold of a face mask and walking in.

Hunt; Dr Russell, you can't be in here.

Georgia was going to talk back but was completely thrown off her by the sight of Meredith and Maggie pumping in unison on Arizona's body. There were heaters around her trying to bring her body temperature back up. Georgia notice her temperature was low at 79°.

Russell; is she... Dead?

Grey; she isn't dead until she is warm and dead, Georgia, I love you but you have to leave now. Helm go with her.

Helm; yes Dr Grey.

Helm led her out of the OR and down the hallway Towards the waiting area.

Helm; Dr Russell, do you need anything? Can I do anything?

Russell; umm... I'm going to be sick...

Georgia ran off to the nearest bathroom and Helm followed behind, while she was being sick Helm rubbed her back. She finished being sick and collapsed down on the floor of the cubicle, Helm sat beside her.

Helm; so...

Russell; Helm, I don't want to talk. If you want to leave you can but if you stay I'm going to be sitting in silence.

Helm nodded and took Georgia's hand in her own, intertwining their fingers. Georgia took in a deep, shaky breath before she leaned her head on Helm's shoulder and broke down into tears.

Russell; Helm, what am I going to do without her? What do I tell the kids?

Helm; she isn't going anywhere, she has the best surgeons in the country working on her. You have to believe she will survive this.

Russell; I need to get some air. Are you coming?

Helm nodded and they both walked outside, Georgia sat on a bench near the coffee cart and lit up a cigarette. She took a deep drag then offered Helm some.

Russell; do you smoke?

Helm; no, never.

Russell; good, it's a disgusting habit.

Helm; do you want a coffee or anything?

Georgia nodded and helm got up to go buy the drinks. While she was alone she spotted Jo walking up from the parking lot. Georgia stubbed out her cigarette and ran towards her.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now