chapter 40

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Tw homophobia

Time jump January

Russell, Robbins, Wilson & Sofia; happy birthday Timothy!

Russell whispering to Arizona; where the hell is Alex, he said he would be here.

Robbins; I don't know, I didn't see him yesterday either.

Russell; great first Meredith disappears now Alex.

Wilson; he has been gone most of the week he said he had to go help his mom with something. I spoke to him this morning he mentioned he would hopefully make it back for Timothy's birthday.

With that there was a knock on the front door.

Wilson; I'll get it

Jo answered the door with a shocked look on her face.

Russell; who is it Jo?

Jo pulled the door open more to allow Zola to run into the house with Bailey trailing behind.

Sofia; ZOZO!!!

karev walking in holding a baby car seat; hey guys look who I found.

Russell & Robbins; MEREDITH!!!

Russell hugging Meredith; where the hell have you been?

Grey; I had a baby.

Russell; you what?

Karev; did nobody spot the baby in my hand.

Robbins; we were kinda in shock at seeing Mer.

Sofia; Mommy can Zola have a sleepover tonight.

Robbins; mer?

Grey; that's fine by me.

Sofia and Zola cheered then ran off to sofias bedroom. The evening went by as they all caught up with Meredith, Georgia put Timothy and Bailey to bed in Timothy's room.

Russell; you can leave Bailey here too if you want. I'm not working tomorrow anyway. You can crash in the guest room too if you want. Tequila?

Grey; I shouldn't really, I have a baby to look after.

Robbins; I'll watch him. Enjoy yourself.

Grey; you don't need to tell me twice.

Georgia went to grab the tequila pouring 4 shots out and gave Arizona a glass of lemonade.

Grey; Arizona why are you not drinking?

Arizona looked up at Georgia as she knoced back her drink, she nodded at Arizona to tell everybody.

Robbins; I can't drink because I'm pregnant.

Wilson & Grey; what?

Karev; congratulations you two.

Grey; how far along are you?

Robbins; I'm about 10 weeks, we were going to tell you all in a couple of weeks once I've had my scan but trust Meredith to comment on me not drinking.

Arizona got up from the couch to let Georgia sit down then Arizona sat in Georgia's lap. Georgia then wrapped her arms around Arizona holding her tummy protectively while kissing her on the cheek.

They all carried on talking late into the night, Alex and Jo had gone to sleep in Georgia and Arizona's bed leaving a very drunk Meredith and Georgia whisper talking while Arizona was fast asleep curled up against Georgia's chest.

Russell; why did you leave?

Grey; I had to.

Russell; I missed you, we all missed you.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now