chapter 11

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Tw mention of sexual assault and homophobia

2 months later

Georgia looked at the time and said to herself; it's nearly 5 o'clock

She knew at 5pm they were going to unplug marks life support but she couldn't bare to watch this happen so she took herself home, she spent the evening alone crying in bed. She had lost 2 pretty good friends and her best friend was a shell of her former self. Arizona's infection in her leg got so bad she needed to have her leg amputated. Karev did the procedure but Callie took the blame which put a serious strain on their relationship.
Another couple of months passed and Georgia was in the attendings lounge dong paperwork when Callie stormed into the room.

Russell; whoa Torres what's up?

Torres; what's up? What's up? My wife is what's up, I just received a message from the home help nurse to say she has kicked another one out, that's 3 this week. I don't have time today to help her. But I'm going to have to.

Russell; well I've got nothing on today, I'm actually due to finish in 10 minutes,  want me to head over to help her?

Torres; honestly that would be an amazing help. Thank you.

Russell; no problem let me just drop these charts off on the peds floor then I'll head over there. Just leave your keys in my cubby.

Georgia ran off up to the peds floor then straight back to the attendings lounge, she grabbed a change of clothes and got herself changed placing Callies keys in her pocket of her trousers. She then heard a giggle from the lounge bathroom, it sounded like Nurse Tia but who was she with?
Georgia hear the second voice and her eyes widened with anger and shock. She couldn't stop herself from confronting them
Georgia burst through the door to see Callie and Tia having sex against the shower wall.


Torres; oh shit, Georgia, its not what it looks like.

Russell; seriously. Don't try it. How could you both.

Tia; Georgia please.

Torres; don't tell Arizona, please, I I it's just she has been so against me these past few weeks I just needed the release, it means nothing.

Georgia grabbed her coat and walked away

Torres; Russell where are you going

Georgia turned to look Callie dead in the eye and said

Russell; Don't worry I'm not going to tell her, but you are by the end of tomorrow otherwise I will be telling her, now if you excuse me I need to go to make sure YOUR wife is alright.

With that Georgia left and headed straight to Arizona's apartment, she let herself in but Arizona was nowhere to be seen, she called out a few times but did not get a response. Georgia made her way through to the bathroom where she found her friend on the floor

Russell; hey beaut, you okay what happened?

Robbins; I thought I could make it to the toilet by myself but apparently I was wrong.

Russell; shit did you hurt yourself are you okay?

Robbins; do I look okay. I'm sat in a pool of my own urine!

Her tone was angry and spiteful. Georgia turned the shower on and grabbed hold of Arizona lifting her into the shower, the whole time arizona hit and screamed at Georgia telling her to get off and leave her alone..

Russell; Arizona Robbins you listen to me! I've been in your shoes don't forget that, yes it fucking sucks, yes your life has changed and yes you are going to have to work hard to get though it all, but what you can't do is push everybody else away, if you keep pushing they might not come back. So you are going to let me help you clean yourself and get dressed okay?

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now