chapter 20

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T/W mentions of rape and homophobia

The next morning there was a news report about a super storm due in the next few days which appeared to already taking affect.

Russell; the hospital is going to be mad today, I'm coming in too.

Robbins; no you stay home and safe.

Russell; hell no, even if I have to spend it sat in your office I'm not staying away from you incase anything happens, what if you have to stay there and are not able to come home, that's neglect Az. (She winked at Arizona)

Robbins; okay let's go then.

They arrive at the hospital and everybody is already running around like lunatics getting everything ready and stocked up.

Bailey; Russell I thought Hunt gave you the day off.

Russell; he did but I thought seen as there is this massive storm on the way I'd come in and help out where I can, the temp is on peds with Dr Robbins right so I'll just hang out in the pit and help out where I can, or I'll head up to Dr Robbins office and either take a nap or do some paper work, it's up to you.

Bailey; well it would be a big help if you went down the pit... okay go get changed and get your ass down the pit.

Russell Kissing baileys cheek; thanks Bailey.

They both went up to the Attendings lounge to get changed.

Robbins; go careful please. I don't want anything happening to you two, okay.

Russell; although I love how caring you are towards us, I'm no different to what I was yesterday and I kicked ass in surgery.

Robbins; I know but now you are both mine and I worry.

Russell kissing Arizona; well don't. (She walks off and shouts down the hallway)
Hey Kepner I'm with you today.

That evening
Georgia is on the phone about incoming trauma

Russell; okay, okay, mhm, thanks...
Okay we got a rig incoming, tree fell onto a car 1 patient due with multiple possible fractures.

Georgia gets up and gowns up. The rig pulles up and Georgia orders him to be taken straight to trauma room 1. She heads in after him.

Kepner; hello sir, can you hear me at all
(She checks his eyes) both responsive.

Russell; yeah hes definitely got at least 2 broken ribs, I'll have a look at his leg but I'm sure it's not broken.

Georgia cuts open his right pant leg to have a better look when she saw a tattoo she had seen before. She looked at the man's face again then back to his leg.

Kepner; hey Russell you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost.

Russell; somebody page Torres, I got to go.

Georgia ran to the toilets a started to be sick, she prayed she would never have to see that man again. She protectively held her tummy and messaged April,

Georgia- sorry had a sudden urge to puke, will head back in 5.

April- okay thanks, head straight to OR4 Torres may need a hand.

She headed straight to the OR and scrubbed in.

Russell; How's it going Torres?

Torres; it's fine I just need somebody to help with this, I'd ask a resident but they all suck.

Russell; thanks I knew you loved me, haha.

Georgia walked over to the table once gowned and gloved and she saw it was the same man as before, Callie could see in her eyes something was up.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now