chapter 52

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The morning after was stressful for Arizona, Sofia woke up early and refused to eat anything so she was very tired and playing up. Earlier that morning Georgia had been called in to the hospital to do an emergency surgery so was going to be late to the hearing. Arizona had get both children ready to be dropped off with Amelia at Merediths house.

In surgery...

Wilson; aren't you supposed to be somewhere George?

Russell; yes Jo, I should be supporting my wife in court but instead in stuck here, fixing this drunken idiots leg because the only other decent ortho surgeon is also in court too. So much for concentrating more on peds, Uuuhhh I hope she is doing okay.

Wilson; I'm sure she is fine. How long have we got left?

Russell; about an hour and a half. I'm going to be so fucking late. I just worry with the baby and everything.

Wilson; I know George, if you want I can close and then you can get out a little quicker.

Russell; oh my god yes please, I love you Jo.

Wilson; love you too George.

Meanwhile at Merediths,

Robbins; come on, Sofia honey, you had such a nice time with her yesterday.

Sofia; uhh-uhh

Robbins knocking on the door; yes you did, you built forts and it was really fun.

A.Shepherd; morning! Come on in.

Timothy hugging Amelia; MieMie.

Sofia; I don't want to!

Robbins; I'm sorry, its been a really rough morning, Georgia got called in to work, then Sofia got up early and neither of then had their breakfast.

A.Shepherd; that's okay, we will make waffles, or...

Timothy running inside; yay waffles!

Sofia; I'm going with you.

Robbins; oh, I can't, I cant, mommy can't today, I'm running late and your here to play with Zola, but I will be back as soon as I can.

Sofia; no.

Robbins sighing; I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you both.

Sofia; I hate you.

A.Shepherd; okay, let's go find Zola, she'll be fine.

Amelia guided Sofia into the house and shut the door on a shocked Arizona.

At the hospital.

Nurse noel; Dr Russell you've received a message from your wife.

Russell; okay could you read it please.

Nurse noel; it says... hey babe hope your morning is going better than mine, Sofia has been difficult because she got up early, just got to the courthouse hope you can be here before I have to take the stand, I love you, Az x
Do you want me to reply?

Russell; umm no she is probably in court now, I don't want to disturb that.
That's annoying I still have an hour left of this.

Wilson; hey George, everything will be fine. When is she due to take the stand?

Russell; last I think, Meredith is first, then Webber, Callie, then Az I believe.

The rest of the surgery went really well, Georgia got Jo to close so she could rush off to the courthouse. She arrived just in time as they were coming out for a short recess, by the look on Arizona's face it wasn't going so well. Georgia ran up to Arizona pulling her into a tight embrace.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now