chapter 51

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It was the morning of the court hearing for the custody battle, Georgia woke up to find Arizona not in bed but a hand written note left on her pillow.

Good morning babe
I didn't want to wake you but I was called into the hospital at 4am, there was an emergency with the Jenny girl we saw a few weeks back. I will meet you at the court house, I love you.
Your Arizona x

Georgia got out of bed and showered ready for the day. She got Timothy up and dressed in his spiderman costume so she could drop him off with Maggie at Merediths house. They got in the car a drove straight over.

Timothy; where's mommy?

Russell; mommy had to go to work early this morning but you will see her later when we pick you and sofia up.

Timothy; I get to play with SoSo today.

Russell; yes baby and Zola, Bailey and baby Ellis.

Timothy gasping; yay me and Bawie are superhewos.

Russell; I know you are but you will play nice with the girls though, promise?

Timothy; I will mama.

Russell; good boy. Here we go.

Georgia got him out of the car and spotted Callie pull up with Sofia and Penny.

Timothy; Auntie Cawie! Soso!

Russell; whoa slow down little man... hey... Callie, Penny.

Torres awkwardly smiling; Georgia. (Timothy hugged Callies leg) Hey Little guy, wow I love your costume.

Timothy stood in superhero pose; I'm spiderman.

Russell; come on let's get you inside.

Torres; where's Arizona?

Russell; she got called into the hospital, she is meeting me there. Hey Maggie, thanks for having them.

Torres; yeah sorry about this.

Peirce; It's the best way to spend the day off, hey kids I was thinking pancakes for breakfast?

Sofia & Timothy; with chocolate chips

Peirce; crazytown! Let do it. Does Sofia know what her mommies are doing today?

Torres; nope, we're gonna talk to her when we know exactly what's happening.

Russell; I'd better go. (Hugging the kids goodbye) I'll see you two later, okay, be good for Maggie.

She gave them both a kiss on the head before getting up to leave.

Russell; thanks again Maggie, I'll see you there Callie, Penny.

Georgia walked to her car and took a deep breath before driving to the court house. On arrival she spotted Richard Webber sat on a bench with three cups of coffee so she headed over to him.

Russell; she not here yet?

Webber; no, not yet, here I brought you this, I ground the beans myself.

Russell; thanks. Mmm that's good.

Webber; oh here she comes now.

Robbins; hey.

Webber; here, I ground the beans myself.

Robbins; thanks, let's go.

Russell; beaut, wait we have a few minutes.

Webber; how you feeling? Robbins? It'll be tough, but right now you have to look past past pain to what you'll have when they're done.

Russell; at the end you'll have a baby.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now