chapter 27

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The next morning

Georgia woke up still snuggled up on the couch curled up in Arizonas embrace. She gently got up to check the time, 4.30am. She went upstairs to check on Timothy, as she walked in his room she could hear him cooing to himself. As soon as he saw Georgia he beamed with the cutest little dimpled smile.

Russell; hello little man, your happy this morning.

Georgia picked him up from his crib, changed his diaper and onesie then sat in the rocking chair to feed him. While feeding him she put her music on low then started humming along to him, the same song as she sang the night before.

Russell talking to Timothy while stroking his head; you know little man this song always reminds me of your mama. God I love her so much. You know what though, when I first met your mama I didn't like her at all, she was annoying and she skated around the hospital, she was always so perky and chatty, I wasn't and it was frustrating, nobody can be that happy all the time. But your mama was every day and the mean resident always had us working together and I hated it to start off with, but as time passed I noticed we worked well together and we got closer as friends until I started to fall in love with her, I already knew she was into women but I hadn't admitted it to myself that I was too. One night we went out for a drink after work because we had a difficult surgery that we worked on together which ended very well. We were chatting away at the bar when this song came on and your mama took hold of my hand and told me she liked me, like really liked me. She then started to ramble on like she does when she is nervous so I leant in and kissed her for the first time mainly to shut her up but also because I really liked her too. That soon turned into love and I have loved her every day since. I don't know what I would do without your mama. She is outstanding and the best person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I pray to God I never loose her.

Georgia noticed that Timothy had finished his feed and started to drift back off to sleep. She winded him and gently led him back into his crib. Georgia crept back downstairs to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea, she put the kettle on and while it was boiling she went through to the living room to see if Arizona was still asleep. On entering the living room she saw Arizona sat on the couch awake with tears in her eyes.

Russell; Az, why are you crying?

Arizona got up quickly and went over to Georgia and pulled her into a passionate yet loving kiss.

Russell; woah, not that I'm complaining but what was that for?

Robbins; I love you so freaking much Georgia Russell.

Russell looking confused; okay. I love you too.

Arizona turned around and picked up the baby monitor and held it up to show Georgia and gave her a knowing look. All she heard through the monitor was the gentle snore coming from Timothy then she realised why Arizona was being so loving.

Russell blushing; oh... you heard that then.

Arizona nodded

Russell; okay that's embarrassing, so I'm going to go make myself some toast, would you like some too? Cup of Tea? Coffee?

Robbins; I'll have a coffee please babe and I'll make the toast.

They both walked through to the kitchen, Georgia put on the Coffee pot and finished making her cup of tea while Arizona made the toast.

Robbins; what would you like on this, I'm having jam.

Russell; I'll sort mine out babe, no offence but you make toast weirdly. (Laughing to herself)

Robbins scoffs; no I don't.

Russell; you don't put butter on it, you just put the jam on dry toast.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now