chapter 30

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Later up in the attendings lounge

Torres; hey, here is all of my cases I need you to cover this week.

Russell; oh not as many as I expected. (Hugging callie) have a great time and we can all go out for dinner when you get back.

Torres; when does Arizona finish?

Russell; she was dragged into an emergency surgery, so who knows.

Torres; oh right, okay. I have an hour until I have to leave, how about we go for a quick drink before we have to collect the kiddies.

Russell; ooo... I like that idea.

They both got changed and headed over to Joe's, Georgia noticed Leah straight away.

Russell; oh deep joy.

Torres; what?

Russell; Murphy is here. She has a thing for Arizona and she hates me with a passion.

Torres; want to have a little fun with her?

Russell; not really. She is messed up in the head. Anyway what you drinking?

Torres; just a beer please.

Russell; two beers please Joe.

Georgia paid for the drinks then they both went to sit at a table.

Torres; so what makes you think she hates you so much then?

Russell; oh she is just jealous that Arizona and I are together. It's stupid really.

Torres; I kinda get it.

Russell almost choking on her drink laughing; excuse me?

Torres; come on Arizona is hot. Dont forget I wasn't exactly your biggest fan when we first met.

Russell; true. But now look at us. You love me now.

Torres; haha your definitely one of my best friends now. Umm... she's walking over.

Russell; oh crap.

Murphy; hey Dr Russell, Dr Torres.

Torres; Murphy.

Murphy; so Dr Russell, I'd just like to apologise for my attitude earlier today.

Russell; no worries Murphy.

Murphy; I just don't get it. Why would Arizona pick you, I could give her way more happiness than you can.

Torres; HEY! Murphy that's inappropriate. They have known eachother a long time and they are soulmates. Back off.

Murphy; you only feel that way now because you lost her to Russell. That must have hurt to loose such a beautiful woman to that.

Georgia stood face to face with Leah, she was absolutely fuming at her.

Russell; as Torres said back off Murphy.

Murphy; Torres how can you even share a drink with her? She stole your wife from you. What do you two share sex stories, compare experiences with her.

Torres; we said back the hell off.

Callie had heard enough. Leah grabbed hold of the beer bottle and smashed it across Georgia's head, cutting her head open.
Joe came around the bar and grabbed hold of Leah telling the other bar man to call the cops.

Joe; hey Torres get her over the road her heads bleeding. I've got this one and the cops are on the way. I saw what happened.

Torres; thanks Joe.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now