chapter 34

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The next morning they were all woken up by Bailey checking sofia.

Bailey; you three go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. I'll be weaning her off of her sedation this afternoon.

Torres; I don't want to leave her

Bailey; callie she is in good hands. Go now. You need to keep your strength up.

The three of them went to have some breakfast and a coffee.

Russell; Callie hows things with Penny?

Torres; oh we are on a break, she wants to concentrate on work. She is a resident at Dillard medical centre.

Russell; oh I am sorry about that.

Torres; no its fine it was a mutual decision, we all know what it's like going through residency.

Russell; of course.

Robbins; babe what time is Jo bringing Timothy in? I need to see him.

Russell; she starts at 8 so I assume around then. He will want a feed before going to daycare.

The three of then finished their breakfast before heading back to sofias room.

The morning dragged on until Georgia received a massage from Jo telling her to meet her in the attendings lounge. Arizona and Georgia met them there and spent the next hour and a half with Timothy alone. After Georgia fed Timothy he soon fell asleep in Arizona's arms

Russell; Jo said he didn't sleep to well. Maybe we should all attempt a quick nap before he goes to daycare.

Robbins; sounds good to me.

Arizona snuggled back into Georgia's arms and they all slept for an hour. When the awoke they both took Timothy to daycare then headed back to Sofia's room.
A few more hours passed and it was finally time to wean Sofia off of her sedation. The three women sat waiting for Sofia to wake up.

Sofia; mama... mommy

Torres; hey baby your okay

Robbins; you are such a brave girl.

Sofia; is Timmy okay?

Russell; he is fine princess. You protected him.

Torres; your his hero.

Sofia; he is okay. Thats good. That lady wanted to take him away but I wouldn't let her. He is my baby brother, I love him.

Robbins; that lady was a bad lady but she is gone now, okay baby.

Sofia sounding sleepy; that's good.

Bailey walking in the room; everything is looking good, she will be here for observation and so long as her vitals remain good she will be able to go home.

Torres; thank you Bailey and thank you Georgia, you helped save our girl.

A few weeks passed and sofia was discharged. The three of them took it in turns to stay at home with her while she finished her recovery.

Sofia; Mommy, GiGi when are you going to get married?

Robbins; oh we were going to start discussing that on Timothy's birthday.

Russell; I vote we get Kepner to organise it. She is your best friend and she enjoys that sort of stuff.

Robbins; that is very true. I will message her and see what she says.

Arizona- hey April, could you maybe help Georgia and I plan our wedding? I know you enjoy that sort of stuff.

April- omg of course I will, meet me in the cafeteria tomorrow and we can start planning.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now