chapter 60

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A month later and Timothy had been doing well and was back to his boisterous self. Sofia had been back with them for a few weeks although she had been playing up a lot at school. Arizona had come up with a great idea to reduce maternal mortality and today was the day of the presentation. Georgia was due in surgery with Bailey but wanted to wish Arizona good luck so she went to the auditorium.

Robbins; hi babe. Cookie?

Russell; ooo, thanks... Mmm, these are really good.

Robbins; they are lesbian gratitude cookies, from that couple who thought one of them had cancer but didn't have cancer.

Russell; nice, sorry I can't stick around to see your presentation. I have surgery... Hey, Bailey you ready?

Bailey; coming.

Robbins; cookie?

Bailey; thanks... Let's go.

Georgia and Bailey headed off the OR2, they scrubbed in and Georgia started to feel funny but tried to ignore it.

Meanwhile, in the auditorium, Arizona had just returned from speaking to the couple who gave her the cookies. She stumbled towards Meredith and Jo.

Robbins; hi... umm... You see that cookie tin over there, could you go get those cookies for me... I'm a... I'm a bit wobbly.

Grey; I'm not going up there, go eat the cafeteria cookies in the green room.

Robbins; okay... Umm, so My patient accidentally used peanut-butter cannabis that her wife had got her when she was going through chemo. One thing led to another, and, um, I seem to have given a lot of people weed cookies, um, with an unknown and immeasurable amount of weed in them.

Grey; who had the cookies?

Robbins laughed slightly; who didn't?

Grey worried; what do we do?

Back in the OR, Georgia was feeling more and more funny and she noticed Bailey was acting out of the ordinary too.

Russell; Bailey, do you feel kinda strange?

Bailey; I feel dizzy.

Russell; somebody page Meredith Grey 911.

Shortly after Meredith walked into the OR.

Grey; Dr Bailey, Dr Russell.

Bailey; Grey, I feel dizzy and lightheaded... And...

Russell; I feel strange too, I feel like the room is spinning.

Schmitt; I think something is wrong with them.

Grey; I think I know what it is. Can we page Jo Wilson please, you two come with me?

Russell; what's going on Grey?

Grey; did you two eat any cookies?

Bailey & Russell; yes.

Grey; they were accidental weed cookies.

Russell laughed; seriously. That's hilarious.

Bailey; this is serious, I thought it was my heart.

Grey; no, this is your brain... On drugs.

Bailey; all of my attending had a cookie?

Grey; no just a few and you two.

Georgia carried on laughing.

Bailey; oh this is bad, this is very, very bad... I opened that man up, I'm into his peritoneum, I'm in him...

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now