chapter 48

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Arizona is now 29 weeks pregnant and It was a week until the custody battle, Arizona had the week from hell trying to compromise with Callie to have some sort of mutual agreement between them. Sadly they couldn't agree and it had been taken to court. Today Georgia had the day off but she still got up at the same time as Arizona.

Russell; morning beaut. How are you feeling?

Robbins; like I don't what today to happen. I have to ask our friends to side me in this stupid battle.

Russell; it will be fine, you have some really good friends to back you up and don't forget I'm 100% on your side of things.

Georgia leant over in the bed and gave Arizona multiple kisses on the lips then slowly moved down her neck.

Robbins; mmm... as nice as that feels I have work.

Russell; oww, okay.

Robbins; maybe later Mrs Russell-Robbins.

Russell; I'll hold you to that.

Arizona got up out of bed and headed into the bathroom to have her shower. Georgia took herself downstairs with Timothy to make a start on som breakfast. She sat him in his highchair and made them both some marmite on toast while waiting for the kettle to boil.

Robbins; eww how can you feed our son that?

Russell; he is half British he needs to learn his roots.

Robbins holding her bump; you won't be feeding this baby that stuff.

Georgia pulled Arizona in for a passionate kiss.

Robbins; what was that for?

Russell; do I need a reason to kiss you?

Robbins; no.

Russell; don't stress today, okay. If you want I'll meet you for lunch.

Robbins; I like the sound of that.

Russell; who are you going to ask to side with you?

Robbins; well there's April, Jackson, Richard, Alex and Jo, Callie has probably already asked Meredith.

Russell; it must be hard as we are all friends with everybody.

Robbins; it really is.

Arizona then gave them both a kiss goodbye and headed off to work. Georgia cleared up after breakfast and put a movie on for her and Timothy to watch. She sent a message to Jo to get her to keep an eye on Arizona today, she was really worried about her. This whole thing is so stressful for her and its not good for the baby.

Hey Jo please keep an eye on Az for me today. She is seriously stressing about this whole custody thing. I am coming in to meet her for lunch.

Yeah no problem George. I'm on her service so that'll be nice and easy for me.

Thanks Jo. Love you

Love you too

Georgia took Timothy upstairs to get them both dressed she thought it might be a nice idea to do something nice for Arizona when she gets home from work mainly because she knew today was going to be difficult.

Russell; how about we go to the store and get a few things for mommy. Then we can go have lunch at the hospital.

Timothy; mommy sad?

Russell; she is a little bit baby, but we can cheer her up.

Timothy; doughnuts!

Russell; yes baby, we will get her some doughnuts.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now