chapter 61

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It was a few weeks later Georgia and Arizona were sitting in the cafeteria with Jo and Alex. Alex had finally proposed to Jo and they wanted to start wedding planning.

Karev; this is annoying. Why can't it be easier planning a wedding?

Russell; ask Kepner she planned ours, she loves all that crap.

Robbins; it's not crap babe

Russell; you know what I mean.

Wilson; well, we will ask Kepner. Oh, George, I want you to be my maid of Honour.

Russell; seriously?

Wilson; of course, you're my person.

Russell; of course I will be.

Georgia pulled Jo in for a hug.

Karev; Robbins you'll be my best man.

Russell; ha, he called you a man.

Arizona playfully hit Georgia's arm.

Russell; ouch.

Robbins; I would love to be your best man.

Wilson; and the girls can be bridesmaids and Timothy can be page boy.

Russell; that would be amazing and Florence should be walking by then too. She's been trying a lot recently.

Robbins; honestly talk to April, I'm going to go get a coffee, I'm getting a headache.

Russell whispering; I know a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee.

They both got up smirking then headed out of the cafeteria.

Karev; don't take too long with her Russell, she has surgery in an hour.

Russell; shut it Karev!

They left the cafeteria and went straight to an on-call room. They led on the bottom bunk spooning with Georgia behind Arizona. Georgia started kissing Arizona's neck wrapping her free arm around her waist, slipping her hand down the front of her scrub pants into her panties.

Robbins; oh Georgia... Don't stop... That feels so good.

Georgia rubbed Arizona's centre feeling the wetness from her core.

Russell; oh beaut, you're so wet.

There was then a knock at the door and in walked Dr Bailey, Georgia hid under the blankets before she was caught out.

Robbins; oh, Dr Bailey, how can I help you?

Bailey; hmm... Dr Robbins I just wanted to let you know your surgery has been cancelled, cold feet.

Georgia slid her hand slowly out of Arizona's pants being sure to rub her clit as she did. This caused Arizona to moan slightly.

Robbins; mmm... oh, thank you... For letting me know.

Bailey stood in the doorway pulling a knowing face.

Bailey; you know there are locks on these doors, right? Dr Robbins, I'll see you later... You to Dr Russell.

Georgia laughed and raised her hand to wave goodbye. They both laughed as she left the room. Arizona turned around to face Georgia and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.

Robbins; well that was awkward.

Georgia leant towards Arizona to start kissing her again but Arizona pushed her away.

Russell; huh?

Robbins; you are on an intimacy ban until we get home.

Russell; what? Why?

Georgia RussellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя