chapter 56

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As Georgia made her way down to the coffee cart her pager went off yet again for another 911 to the pit, this time was for a pediatric case.

Russell; Kepner what's happened? Why wasn't Robbins called?

Kepner; nobody has heard from her for a few hours, you were the next option.

Russell; okay so I'm going to need a portable ultrasound, I need to see what is going on inside her abdomin.

Kepner; Dr Wilson is on the way with one... oh here she is.

Russell; thanks Wilson, have you seen Dr Robbins?

Wilson; no should I have?

Russell; nobody has seen her, seriously.  She must have gone for a sleep in some on call room. Saying that Wilson have you slept since yesterday, you look like crap.

Wilson; no but I'm fine, honestly.

Russell; no Wilson, go home. Sleep.

Georgia checked the girls abdomin and found she had internal bleeding. She ordered an OR and her and April rushed her down. Georgia and April managed to stop all the bleeders and saved the girls life. After scrubbing out she decided to try to find Arizona. Georgia was looking everywhere for her, she checked all the usual on call rooms she would normally be in but she wasn't there. Georgia went up to the last room she could think of and she heard a noise coming from inside the room. She let herself in finding Arizona and Eliza in bed together naked.

Russell heartbroken; you bitch.

Robbins; shit, wait GiGi

Arizona put her clothes back on and ran after her.

Robbins; I'm so sorry. I... I...

Russell; you what? It was an accident? You didn't mean to? Fuck Arizona I caught you having sex with her of all people. God after everything we have been through this is how you repay me. You know what I can't even look at you right now. I'm going to stay at a hotel. You can have our kids and in two days I'll have them and we can rotate like that until we come up with some proper routine, you can collect them from daycare tonight.

Robbins; GiGi no can't we talk about this please?

Russell; no I'm so done with you right now.

Georgia stormed off to Dr Baileys office.

Russell bursting in; Bailey I need a few days off. I need to clear my head. Take me off of being on call.

Bailey; is everything alright?

Russell; ask Dr Robbins.

Georgia left the office and went over to the closest hotel and booked a room. After two days she went back into the hospital to pick up the kids and took them back to her hotel room.

Timothy; mama, why are we here?

Russell; we are having an adventure. We can go out for dinner tonight, where should we go?

Timothy; can we have pizza? Is mommy coming on our adventure too?

Russell; no little man, I'm sorry she is not, not tonight.

Timothy; okay mama.

Her two days with the kids went too fast. The next thing she knew it was time to take them home again. She pulled up outside the house and knocked on the door. Arizona opened the door and took Florence through to the lounge and placed her in her playpen.

Robbins; hey, Timothy can you take your stuff upstairs please, I need to speak to mama.

Timothy; okay mommy.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now