chapter 33

472 15 1

Sorry in advance 😔

3 weeks later


Robbins; mmm... what's happening.

Russell; Mmmm it's too early.

Sofia; it's Timmy's birthday. Come on. Wake up.

Robbins; I'll go get him.

Arizona went through to Timothy's bedroom to find a very happy looking little man. He had the biggest smile on his face showing off his cute little dimples.

Timothy; mommommom

Robbins; hello birthday boy, let's get your diaper changed before we go see mommy and sofia.

Georgia took Sofia downstairs to start making breakfast. First of all she made herself a cup of tea and Arizona a cup of coffee.

Russell; so princess Sofia, what do you think Timothy will want for his breakfast?

Sofia; definitely pancakes.

Russell; okay, I agree. But we are going to have to wait until mommy comes down, she makes the best pancakes.

Sofia; once we have had breakfast will Timmy open his presents? Can I help him please?

Russell; of course, I think he may need a little help from his big sister.

Georgia gave Sofia a little wink as Arizona came through to the kitchen with the birthday boy.

Russell; there's my little birthday boy. Oh beaut princess Sofia has suggested pancakes for breakfast and you do make the best pancakes, so I will feed this little man while you cook.

Robbins; okay then.

Georgia took him from Arizona and sat at the kitchen island and got him to latch on in a comfortable position. Georgia only breastfed him twice a day in the morning and before bed. Any other time he had a bottle mainly due to him being in daycare.

Russell; I'm not going to lie I'm going to miss this when he is completely weaned off.

Robbins; me too. It melts my heart seeing you feed him, especially the way he plays with his hair.
I'm proud of you for carrying it on for a whole year. Callie stopped after 6 months and just pumped all of the time.

As Timothy finished his feed he unlatched and Georgia placed him in his highchair. Sofia was playing with him by tickling his feet causing him to laugh loudly. Arizona put the plates of pancakes in front of everybody and they all enjoyed their breakfast.

Timothy hitting his tray excitedly; hhuuuhh noh no

Sofia; Mommy he said oh no.
Timmy can you say Sofia? Sofia?

Russell; that's going to be a bit difficult for him at the moment. Maybe think of a way we can shorten your name.

Sofia; okay GiGi, Timmy can you say soso?

Timothy; soso

Everybody cheered at Timothy for repeating what Sofia said. Arizona lifted him from his highchair and gave him lots of kisses on his cheeks.

Timothy; mommommom

Russell; that's our clever boy.

Arizona placed Timothy on the floor so he could walk through to the living room holding her hands. They sat him down in front of his pile of presents and he started to rip them open, with Sofias help of course. Georgia and Arizona sat drinking their drinks while watching the kids make a mess of wrapping paper. All of a sudden Timothy pulled himself up against the other couch and sofia sat in front of him encouraging him to walk towards her.

Georgia RussellOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora