chapter 59

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Georgia climbed out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel. She got to her phone and saw she had a missed call from Jo. As she went to call Jo back her phone started to ring once again.

(On the phone)

Russell; Jo this better be important. I was just about to have amazing shower sex.

Wilson; it's Timothy. He had an accident and we are at the hospital.

Russell; what the hell? We will be 10 minutes.

Georgia hung up up the phone and called Arizona through to get dressed before they both headed straight to the hospital. When they arrived they met with Jo outside trauma room 1.

Russell; you said an accident why the hell is he in a trauma room?

Willson passed Florence to Arizona; he fell down the stairs of my apartment and hit his head and possibly broke his arm. I'm so sorry he knocked himself out. Amelia is just checking him over.

Robbins; oh my poor baby.

Russell; I'm going in there, who is the ortho checking him.

Wilson; I... I'm not sure. They wouldn't let me stay in there with him.

Georgia burst into the room.

Russell; fuck, Shepherd is he okay?

A.shepherd; you shouldn't be in here.

Russell; screw that, he's my son. I want to know, is he going to be okay?

Bailey walked into the room; Dr Russell, you know the rules. If I could ask you and Dr Robbins to wait in the waiting area one of us will update you shortly.

Russell; but Bailey...

Bailey; no buts Russell.

Georgia begrudgingly left the room and guided Arizona to the waiting area. Shortly after Amelia came to give them an update.

A.shepherd; Timothy has a slight bleed on his brain, it will be an easy job to fix. He also has broken his arm in 2 places which we will fix and cast during surgery.

Robbins; so he will be okay.

A.shepherd; yes, bar any complications he will be fine.

Russell; thank you, Amelia. Take care of our boy.

A.shepherd; I will. Don't worry he is in good hands.

Wilson; I'm so sorry George.

Robbins; it's okay, accidents happen, right Georgia?

Russell angrily; right. I need to get some air, message me if there are any updates.

Georgia walked out of the hospital

Robbins; Georgia?

Georgia walked across the street to Joe's bar. She ordered three shots of tequila and knocked them back one after the other. Meredith and Maggie were also there and noticed how stressed Georgia looked.

Grey; hey, Georgia what's wrong?

Russell; nothing, I'm fine.

Peirce; you've just downed three shots in a row, clearly something is up.

Russell; Timothy is in surgery. He fell down the stairs and has broken his arm and has a bleed on his brain.

Grey; oh my God, who's doing his surgery?

Russell; Amelia.

Grey; that's good. She is the best at what she does. Where's Arizona?

Russell; she is at the hospital with Florence and Jo.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now